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Knights of lumaria ( started/acepting) i will be making a new rp for this so plz lock

vengeful lemonS

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name:Niki Naminia


allinace:(ace or rebel) rebel

rank:(if ace like ace of spades or King of hearts) A royal

demon: Arkadia

demon's power:super speed and can clone him self to have up to 4 others.


demons apperence:1161377924_whitedemonboy.jpg

weapon:(optional doesn't have a special power) the great sword "Gram"


A royal knight and josep's friend, when she was just 12 years old after her general had fallen in battle she lead a batalion of soldiers to the sige of a masive invasion of the otoman empire and sucsessfully returned with over 70% of her fighting force this victory earned her the nickname of "Joan of ark" among her men and friends.

(note no one calls her by her real name often unless there sirious or angry at her)

OoC: omg this rp is so awsome why dident you ask me to join fanmie.

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Kazuya brings the Wulfs back to the base most of them looking exaughsted. "you guys did well during todays training we shall train in the room for the next few days until you get it down, go rest for now". He then dismisses them as he walks into a room full of wooden bodys with circles on them then pulling out four lighters. "you ready Pyronis?" ~ready? for what~ "well it's time to train" ~oh yeah, then im ready~. the opens the lighters the fire on them visible he throws them into the air the fire being sucked off of them now surrounding his hands at a distance so to cover but not burn. then Kazuya starts pyunching the pieces of wood obliterating the last one with a fast combo as the lgithers hit the ground and the fire dissappears most of the wood with multiple holes and two of them in pieces "hmm.. that was pretty good" ~considering we haven't tried that before i would say so~.

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A solder dashed at joseph only to fall over cut in half "hee hee comeone big boy why are you haveing so much trouble with them" she giggles as she turns around to look at him. A solder runs up to her she blocks the attack and kicks him to the ground she then stabs the ground with her sword "Arkadia!" she screms, the sword the creates a bright flash then Niki's demon apears, "my lady" he says very politely, "please deal with them" she says demanding, he says not another word and then begins to fight off the soldiers. "Tee hee you dummy your amulet was at the baracs" she says as she toses it at him.

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All the ace soldiers move back as Robert comes up to josep " josep I'm going to kill you now you've grown to be quite a nousense and I've grown bored of these petty games" robert takes out his spear and rushes toward josep " come now josep let ne hear your screams(ooc:that last sentence made me soud gay)

"Joan I'm bored so I'll fight you now" said Mariana (mother ace)

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Too slow Robert moved out f the way with lightning fast reflexes then stabbed josep in his sholder (he's going crazy by the way) " your blood is cold josep they say it's your bodys way of telling the future that you well die! Robert got ready for his nex attack but something stopped him in His tracks no not now not here

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"hahahahahaha" Robert threw his spear too the ground you can't beat me Robert pulls out an amulet that looks simialr to the ones that fuse a demon and a human together

~master we shouldn't use this yet~ quite serepheme the amulet starts to glow and Amor and serepheme fuse together "josep if you kill me you'll be killing amor in the process now. Amopheme destroy him~yes master ~ the young female like dragon scratched josep on his face making a deep wound. This is how I became father ace

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