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Knights of lumaria ( started/acepting) i will be making a new rp for this so plz lock

vengeful lemonS

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Savior walking around the base, "Soldier where is trainning being held at?" The soldier pointed, "Sir, in those to buildens over there sir!" The soldier bow his head, "Also show me where is the Laboratory." soldier showed savior, "Its right here." Savior look at the soldier, "You can leave now." Savior watch the train of the soldier, "You three soldier come here." The soldiers bow they heads, "Yes sir!" Savior look, "Give me your names." soldier answers, "I'm Sky this my demon Hawk Eye, I'm Alliance this my demon Strom Rider and I'm Page this my demon Cloud." Savior pull his sword out, "You three will now be known as The Knights of Three. I hand pick you three to be my special knights. Yall answer to no one but me." All at once, ''Yes sir!"

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Walks out from the lab looking torwards Savior and the three soldiers "but they still fall under the command of Father Ace". Then walks behind them looking at their demons "lets see... Cloud check....Hawk Eye check..... i dont seem to see any demon fitting your looks what is your name?". Jumps over the top of Alliance landing infront of him the sitting in a nearby chair waiting for the answer from the demon. Stands and walks up next to Savior "sorry about trying to kill you before, but you did try to kill me first.." holds out his hand "Ace of Spades".

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Savior shake the hand of you, "All is for given.... But never for gotten." Savior punch Kayazza, "That's for the burn mark on my neck." Walk off, "Knights of Three come we have some special trainning to do." The soldiers follow, "Yes sir!"


[spoiler=[b]Ace of Heart Knight of Three:Sky [/b]]





rank:(Ace of Hearts Knight of Three)

demon:Hawk Eye

demon's power:Superhuman vision

apperance: [spoiler=[b]Appearance:[/b]] Thedeath2.jpg








[spoiler=[b]Ace of Heart Knight of Three:Alliance [/b]]





rank:(Ace of Hearts Knight of Three)

demon:Strom Rider

demon's power:Control lighten and thurder

apperance: [spoiler=[b]Appearance:[/b]]9bdb6ff62ac680_full.jpg



weapon:(Double blade sword)





[spoiler=[b]Ace of Heart Knight of Three:Page[/b]]





rank:(Ace of Hearts Knight of Three)


demon's power:Orai (Psychic ability to control and manipulate kenetic energy and space around you.)

apperance: [spoiler=[b]Appearance:[/b]]neko-boys-anime-animal-guys-3812411.jpg



weapon:(Two guns on his side and one big one on his back)




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0oc:I'm go br gone for a week I'm leaven friday \


Savior and The Knights of three went to an remote island, "This is where we will hold our specail trainning." Sky look, "Where are we?" Alliance, "It look like a island." Page grab his guns, "Lets start the trainning that." savior took his sword, "I'm go each put yall in the center of the island and your goal is to reach me before sun down." savior cut open an hole, "Walk in." The knights of three walk into the hole, "How hard can it be." said Alliance." "Your see!" said savior, "And try not to die yall your The Knights of Three."

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