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The effects are


Soul Reaper Level 4

In the end phase of the turn this card was summoned it gains 500 attack.

In the end phase of a turn this card destroys a monster as a result of battle you may tribute it to special summon one 'Soul Reaper Level 6' from your hand or deck.


Level 6

When this card destroys a monster draw one card.

In the end phase of a turn this card destroys a monster as a result of battle you may tribute this card to special summon one 'Soul Reaper Level 8' from your hand or deck.


Level 8 (Maybe overpowered)

This card cannot be normael summoned or set, this card cannot be special summoned except by the effect of 'Soul Reaper Level 6'

This card is not destroyed in battle, except by LIGHT monsters.

When this card destroys a monster as a result of battle draw one card and remove the destroyed monster from play.

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4 more cards.


Familliar Dark Dragon

This card may be equipped to a reaper once per turn. The equipped monster gains 500 attack.

When the equiped monster would be destroyed destroy this card.

When this card is destroyed dicard one card from your hand and draw 2 cards.


Reaper Dragons (Level 8 may be overpowered)


When this card is destroyed in battle remove it from play. When this card destroys a monster remove it from play. In the end phase of a turn this card destroyed a monster in battle you may tribute it to summon one 'Reaper Dragon Level 6' from your hand or deck.



Whebn this card is special summoned draw one card and destroy one card on the field. In the end phase of a turn this card destroys a monster as a result of battle you may tribute this card to special summon one 'Reaper Dragon Level 8' from your hand or deck.



This card cannot be normael summoned or set, this card cannot be special summoned except by the effect of 'Reaper Dragon Level 6'

This card is not destroyed in battle, when this card is destroyed remove it from play.

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