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Skippy_Canoe VS. Liljbey | MOVE, SKIPPY_CANOE WINS!

Skippy Canoe

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Lets see...one is ridiculously overpowered with a bad (actually worse than the original?) pic and a lame name.


The other one is the actual TGC card with an added spirit effect... >_>;;



I'll go with liljbey just because the other one is so....gross.



Gross... Really? Could you do any better?


The elf actually has a new unique effect, while the other is just with an added spirit phrase.


I wouldn't see anyone with a wind deck inserting that spirit card unless it was a wind spirit deck.


The elf removes cards from the top causing a more milling effect and could throw away your opponent's cards.


Well, after that long thing,


My Vote = Skippy

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I would like to point out that I simply kept the original effect, as well as added an extra >_<


[spoiler=(TCG)Wynn The Wind Charmer's effect]FLIP: Take control of 1 WIND monster on your opponent's side of the field for as long as this card remains face-up on the field.



[spoiler=(My version)Wynn the Wind Charmer's effect]This card cannot be Special Summoned. This card returns to the owner's hand during the End Phase of the turn that this card is Normal Summoned or flipped face-up. When this card is flipped face-up, take control of 1 WIND monster on the opponents side of the Field. When this card is returned to your Hand, return the controlled monster to your opponents Hand.


( Main effect underlined; My effect in bold. )

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