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Elemental Hero Blade Neos


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Name: Elemental Hero Blade Neos

Attribute: EARTH

Level: 8

Type: Warrior

Description/Lore/Effect: "Elemental Hero Bladedge" + "Elemental Hero Neos" This face-up card's name is treated as "Elemental Hero Neos". During battle between this attacking card and a Defense Position monster whose DEF is lower than the ATK of this card, inflict the difference as Battle Damage to your opponent. When this card is removed from the field, you may Special Summon 1 "Elemental Hero Neos" from your Graveyard.

ATK: 3000

DEF: 1700


Please tell me if you think it is OP'd/UP'd and how I should adjust the effect.


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What I think you should do is give it another effect. Right now, all it looks like is a powered up Bladedge. Maybe something that activates when it deals battle damage or some sort of field clearing effect. Also, you can CF it by making the effect thus:

"This card's name is treated as "Elemental Hero Neos" while face-up on the field or in the Graveyard."

This will dramatically increase its potential.

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Why is it EARTH? It should be LIGHT. The idea is not at all original and you barely even showed an attempt for creativity.


No joke. It missed the obligatory line for E-HERO fusions as well: "This card cannot be Special Summoned except by Fusion Summon." Neos Fusions have modified effects of the other material, even Rainbow Neos. Modify the effect to something like: "When this card destroys a monster by battle, inflict damage to your opponent equal to its DEF."

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Do you realize that would make it even worse? So for example you attack a monster with 1000 DEF. The current card as it is would make it so that you would deal 2000 points of damage. Assuming that he changed it to how you want, it would only deal 1000 points. Then you have the think of how many monsters actually have the ability to monster be destroyed by battle.

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The "This face-up card's name is treated as "Elemental Hero Neos"." part is a bit un-needed.

Since it only really benfits from random Neos-Specific-Equips and Neo Space.


Give it an effect like this:

If this card inflicts battle damage to your Opponent's Lifepoints by attacking a Defence Position monster' date=' Special Summon 1 "Neos Spacian" monster from your deck who's ATK is lower then the battle damage that was inflicted[/quote']

Since if it revives a Neos via bieng destroyed, you can be ready-to-go to contact-fuse them.

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I would assume Darkdust meant adding it on to the already existing effect' date=' making the total damage count 3000.



Halle-f**king-lujah to that man. That's exactly what I mean.


The "This face-up card's name is treated as "Elemental Hero Neos"." part is a bit un-needed.

Since it only really benfits from random Neos-Specific-Equips and Neo Space. The latter of which it benefits from already.


Give it an effect like this:

If this card inflicts battle damage to your Opponent's Lifepoints by attacking a Defence Position monster' date=' Special Summon 1 "Neos Spacian" monster from your deck who's ATK is lower then the battle damage that was inflicted[/quote']

Since if it revives a Neos via being destroyed, you can be ready-to-go to contact-fuse them.


Since most of the time the damage will be in excess of 1000, the biggest N-Spacian, skip the "who's ATK is lower..." part. And that's if my effect isn't more useful.

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