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[DISC]If the 10th anniversary brought new cards in [/DISC]

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The movie will either:

Give out a promo of 'Elemental Hero Stardust Magician Neos'


Alternet artworks of Neos, Junk Synchron(<3), and Dark Magician.


But thats just me...

They should also have a Crow vs. Syrus vs. Joey too.

And I don't want new heroes' date=' we don't have enough yet?


Syrus would summon GaoGaiGar, and it would use Hell&Heaven on Joey and Crow, and win.

But then again, I doubt they would make a movie to have Crow, Syrus, and Joey duel eachother.

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Guest Chaos Pudding

To all those who are mentioning the heroes' date=' no. They are overrated and need to stay dead.



Except the NEX Spacians had a good thing going for them and they just abandoned them.



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5D's supposedly takes place 17 years after GX.


So that'd leave yugi how old i assume in the original he was at most 13 so he's probably gonna be either in his late 20's or early 30's wow Old yugi, me and my friend were thinking that the old guy at the beginning of 5d's was Jaden but him using artifacts instead of E-heroes changed that


OT: I think maybe some Dark Synchros and some synchros for Yugi and maybe some other stuff for the others but if jaden's there there will be E-Heroes, a Crimson Dragon would be cool to see.

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Hmm' date=' Maybe Yugi would have a God-Card Synchro or something that completely annihilates other cards.[duh!']


Jaden would have more of his underrated Heroes Zero's.


Yusei will have more Synchro JUNK monsters. Literally


All of this are theories BTW.LOL.


Agreed again, seriously Yusei's deck is just way too situational to ever work unless you found yourself dueling up against the flaming idiots 4Kids likes to call characters and if you wonder why the characters in 5D's are so bad seriously every series is the same thing, evil guy looking to release some kind of monster(s) and multiple protagonists who won't shut the F :x ck up about the importance of friendship.


*straightens necktie* that was a good rant


Off Topic: I need to stop it with the auto Troll.

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