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Machinima Inside Gaming - August 7, 2009

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Alright, the newest Inside Gaming video by Machinima came out today, and wow, does it give a lot of interesting news. Just thought I'd share it with you guys, and you can comment on it here.


Oh, and there is profane language in it, so just note that before you click it.

And for those who missed E3, here's Machinima's E3 Inside Gaming 2009 Post Wrap Up:


(And yes, it also has some profane language.)
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Should be in Video Games as such moved. But you guys know you could just report the post.


On Topic: I disagree that the Wii doesn't have many good games. It has about 15 that are at least worth picking up. It just sucks that the big games don't sell.


Also, the only moving for 99% of Wii game are your arms, and if moving your arms is a problem, then well, how do you live

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Having only "about 15" games that are good is not good enough to make the Wii popular. Sure, it's good in terms of marketing, but in every other region of gaming, it fails.


The Xbox 360 will probably win in terms of customer satisfaction and game selection for this generation.

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