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.:.:.Gift Paradise.:.:.


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Y'know' date=' these aren't called Gifts if they are requested, they are called Requests. Huge Difference. So they are CnC'able, or at least put in a shop because people are requesting them.



If you have a Birthday list are you not requesting? and yet it is called a Gift?


Can I have one?


Username: Anacondas1

Color: A Dark Red

Reason For a Gyft: Because I iz well special :D



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Y'know' date=' these aren't called Gifts if they are requested, they are called Requests. Huge Difference. So they are CnC'able, or at least put in a shop because people are requesting them.


But since I'm here, I'll give help, not Cnc, help, tips.

These are OK

Could use a lot of work though, I suggest dA for tuts to use



A shop gets Payed im meerly creating thesse for people for no cost and I like my own style thanks so stop saying I should get better when it's my own style, I could go Ranting on, yet they are still gyfts, i've made them for people so, why start complaining when everyone else seems fine about it, your post is utter pointlessness no one else has complained so their is no reason to start.


@Everyone else: Okay guys this might take some time thus meaning that you might not gets yours so fast.


Wow Crazykev just got shot done! lol

Its ok I can wait, I thought it might take a while

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Y'know' date=' these aren't called Gifts if they are requested, they are called Requests. Huge Difference. So they are CnC'able, or at least put in a shop because people are requesting them.


But since I'm here, I'll give help, not Cnc, help, tips.

These are OK

Could use a lot of work though, I suggest dA for tuts to use



A shop gets Payed im meerly creating thesse for people for no cost and I like my own style thanks so stop saying I should get better when it's my own style, I could go Ranting on, yet they are still gyfts, i've made them for people so, why start complaining when everyone else seems fine about it, your post is utter pointlessness no one else has complained so their is no reason to start.


@Everyone else: Okay guys this might take some time thus meaning that you might not gets yours so fast.


Wow Crazykev just got shot done! lol

Its ok I can wait, I thought it might take a while


Actually no, Namo.


If its created for someone by request, then its not a gift.

And what makes it more of a request, not a gift, is that you have a form for people to request them.

No one else complained, because mainly, they haven't had a gift themselves.

You made them for people "By Request", therefore, its a request, not gift.


Your style's aren't fantastic, I'm suggesting tuts to expand your knowledge and expand you're styles.



And its called "Gift" not "Gyft"

"Gyft" sounds and looks stupid, I know I used it before, but now as I look back, its stupid.


And I was thinking a "Free Shop"


Also, if you would like to reply, PM me, because I prefer not to create arguments in threads, just results fully in spam


[ps, Anacondas1, please stop signing your name at the end of all your posts. It's rather annoying, and people already know you're username. It's above your post >_<](sorry for that, I just wanted to get that out of my system)

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This whole thread made me lol hard, here's why.


These are requests, not gifts. Learn what a gift is, idiot.


Few people in this thread know what it actually takes to make a decent tag, and this isn't your "style". It's been used before and with better execution, though the style itself is very unappealing and crappy, especially when demonstrated by these horrible pieces. [:


Your text is horrible, stop now.

You ignore most of the basic components and choose LQ renders, don't bother resizing, and have horrible focal placement.


I mean........LOL HARD.

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