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.:.:.Gift Paradise.:.:.


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Can I get two? lol


Username: Namo™(Or maybe just Namo)

Color: Maybe a mixture of Blue and Purple

Reason For a Gyft: Your a cool dude, and the only person who gave me a Gyft was Kira :3



Username: Namo™ (Or maybe just Namo)

Color: Mixture of Red and Black

Reason: Same as above XD


Do I have to give you renders or do you put random ones on? lol

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I love mine a lot. And I was wondering if you could make me another one, due to my name change. I'll pay from 30-100 points based on how I think it is.


Name: .:JBM:.

Color: I love what you did with the first one. Anything is great.

Reason: you're awesome


2nd form:


Name: Experience

Color: Ominous situation, a dark scene, but colors would just be... Dark

Reason: Above

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Y'know, these aren't called Gifts if they are requested, they are called Requests. Huge Difference. So they are CnC'able, or at least put in a shop because people are requesting them.


But since I'm here, I'll give help, not Cnc, help, tips.

These are OK

Could use a lot of work though, I suggest dA for tuts to use

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Y'know' date=' these aren't called Gifts if they are requested, they are called Requests. Huge Difference. So they are CnC'able, or at least put in a shop because people are requesting them.


But since I'm here, I'll give help, not Cnc, help, tips.

These are OK

Could use a lot of work though, I suggest dA for tuts to use



A shop gets Payed im meerly creating thesse for people for no cost and I like my own style thanks so stop saying I should get better when it's my own style, I could go Ranting on, yet they are still gyfts, i've made them for people so, why start complaining when everyone else seems fine about it, your post is utter pointlessness no one else has complained so their is no reason to start.


@Everyone else: Okay guys this might take some time thus meaning that you might not gets yours so fast.

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