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The Doughnut Game


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First Rate the Doughnut above you then create your own at https://www.dunkindonuts.com/donut/#/donut-configurator then post it here(along with the parts used) and name it rate doughnuts on following scale:

[align=center]Originality 1-10

Popularity 1-10

Guessed Flavor Quality 1-10

Overall Appearance 1-10

Name Originality 1-10


person 1 (generic doughnut) (genaric name)

person 2 Popularity 7, Guessed Flavor Quality 9, Overall Appearance 5, Name Originality 2 (their generic doughnut) (genaric name)[/align]


Ill go first

[align=center]Shape: Stick

Dough: Chocolate Cake

Filling: Chocolate Mint Bavarian

Frosting: Chocolate Icing

Toppings: OREO Cookie Pieces and HERSHE'S Mini Chocolate Chips


Name: Death BY Chocolate[/align]


ps you may need to upload the pic to diviantart.com or tinypic.com

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