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My DMG Cards


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Wow. And Overdragon12 thought that my cards are too revealing. Some this cards I like though. Like Dark Temteress (was it supposed to be Temptress?), Magician Final Trick (seems nice if you can use it properly), Mage's Sacrifice, Dark Paladin and Vampric Girl, Dancing Mage Magical Knight of the Old. Dark Paladiness is.......I cannot say. I would like it if that was the original Dark Paladin not the official picture Konami has.

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Dark Paladiness-

should read "and" between DM and BB


Rival Lovers-

bad wording

confusing to read


Mage's Sacrifice-

should read:

Sacrifice 1 "Dark Magician Girl" from your side of the field to destroy up to two cards on your opponent's side of the field.


Dark Magician Girl's Innocence-

the letter T in trap should be capitalized


Magician's Final Trick-

title should read Magician's Final Trick

draw, not pick up.

should read something like, "special summon all cards titled "dark magician girl" to your side of the field. Special Summon all other monster cards to your opponent's side of the field. Destroy any spell and trap cards that are drawn."


Dark Magic Protector-

face-up does not need to be capitalized

spelled Defense not deffence

End Phase needs to be capitalized.

not 'it is destroyed', it is, 'destroy this card'


Dark Magic Appearance-

should start, 'you can only...

summon should be capitalized.

'this monster cannot change it's battle position'


magical suffering-

there should be their

Graveyard should be capitalized


Magical Knight of Old-

"when this card is special summoned" (fusion summon is considered a special summon, not a summon).

Spell and Trap needs to be capitalized.

Graveyard needs to be capitalized.


Magician of the Dark Suns-

spelled Chearful


Cheerfull Dark magician girl-

"Chearful Dark Magician Girl"


Dark Temteress-

"Dark Temptress"


The Dancing mage-

"as long as there is another spellcaster-type monster on your side of the field, this card cannot be designated as an attack target by your opponent."


Komonno Mask-

possible misspelling (will research)

bad structure



is should be changed to remains (first sentence)


That's what needs to be fixed.

All in all, 6/10

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