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this contest is Over +LOCK plz

Jace Beleren

who would you vote for?  

1 member has voted

  1. 1. who would you vote for?

    • Hunter Steel
    • Kitty Princess

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yet another one vs one challenge

the first one who gets 10 votes wins

the winner gets 3 reps from the loser


[align=center]Hunter Steel:




This card cannot be Special Summoned. When this card is successfully Tribute Summoned, you can remove from play up to 2 Monster Cards on the Field until the End Phase. If this effect is activated, you cannot conduct your Battle Phase this Turn. You can skip your Draw Phase to inflict 300 damage to your opponent for each Monster on the Field.







Effect:1 Fire-Type Tuner + 1 or more Non-Tuner Monsters

This card cannot be Summoned, except for Synchro Summoned. Once per turn, as long as this card remains face-up on the field you can increase your Life Points by 600 for each FIRE monster in your Graveyard. [/align]

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I like Kitty Princess' card better, because it is a synchro and white is my favorite color. But main reason is because it has a good effect and all, and I like the Attack, Because I had a friend that just got frustrated having his life points in the 50's and 25's and that made me happy because I liked to torture him that way, hope this counts as a reason.

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1 Card - Why remove 2 monsters from play if you cannot attack :?. Also, tehy return to the field (the effect says it: "Until the End Phase" so they return to the field during the next turn). The rest is fine and creative.


2 Card - Why she is a tuner? ¬¬. Random numbers and unoriginal effect.

Vote - Card 1

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1 Card - Why remove 2 monsters from play if you cannot attack :?. Also' date=' tehy return to the field (the effect says it: "Until the End Phase" so they return to the field during the next turn). The rest is fine and creative.


2 Card - [b']Why she is a tuner? ¬¬. Random numbers and unoriginal effect.[/b]

Vote - Card 1



cuz i will explain.. shes a tuner for another powerful Synchro monster... 4 synchro tuners have to be tributed to summon this other tuner...

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you keep challanging her cuz u know she can never win ?!

that's cheap man. Go challange someone who is at your Level


also you are 4 not 5


that card is the one u used in my Card for the pic contest, very very old one


But still I'll vote for you

now you'r 5


sorry Kitty, good luck

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anyways thanx for your votes


now the results so far is:

me= 6

Kitty= 2

(check on the first page to confirm it)



you keep challanging her cuz u know she can never win ?!

that's cheap man. Go challange someone who is at your Level




is there z a problem with that?

she asked for a rematch and i accept it (whats wrong with that -_-)

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