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Question about Fox Fire.

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I have a question. If my opponent takes control of my fox fire, permanently not temporarily, then on my turn I attack it and destroy it, what happens? The card doesn't specifically select or target.


During the End Phase of a turn when this face-up card attacked or was attacked and was destroyed by battle, Special Summon this card from the Graveyard. This card cannot be Tributed for a Tribute Summon.


It's technically my card, it goes to my graveyard, but my opponent was in control of it. It most likely would be summoned onto my side of the field, wouldn't it?

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3: If your topic asks a question about rulings' date=' ask it in the Q&A topic.[/b']




You're lucky that I spent all my negs on Nazello today.

Very lucky.


Good to know that you like to neg reps new members, pretty good...

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