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OMEGA Duel Academy - We Make Dreams A Reality (PLZ LOCK)


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Hmmm.....other people are doing it....so why cant I? Welcome to OMEGA Duel Academy! Here is an academy that i'm aiming to make better than any other academy.


I am the owner. The point of this academy is to enjoy yourself and maybe have a cup of tea? Making great cards is top priority. You can also make Academy only contests and help other members.


Here is the Ranking system. This system is based on Metroid ^_^ of which im a big fan. You Rank will raise when I see that you are a great helper to others, and you make great cards for the academy. Here is the system. You will recieve reps whenever you rank up.



Members can make a contest for academy members. The rank of the contest you can make depends on your position. Look lower for the levels.


First Rank: Normal Samus NormalSuitSamusBanner.jpg

You may only enter C Class contests. You may also only make C class contests.


Second Rank: Power Suit Samus PowerSuitSamusBanner.jpg

You get 1 Rep. You may enter contests of B Rank or lower. You may only make contests for B rank or lower.


Third Rank: Gravity Suit Samus ClassABanner.png

You get 2 Reps. You may enter contests of A Rank or lower. You may only make contests for A Rank or lower.


Final Rank: Phazon Fusion Samus PhazonSuitRank.png

You get 3 Reps. You may enter any level contest. You may make contests for any level. This Rank's level is S.


Anyone who joins will be PM'ed with a link to my Forum. If this breaks the cross-advertising rule, please let me know.




Okay. Ive figured out the point system for ranks. When you reach the maximum point value, you will rank up. Here are the ranks. Points are posted next to the member's names.


Normal Suit Samus - 15 points required to rank up.

Power Suit Samus - 30 Points required to rank up.

Gravity Suit Samus - 50 Points required to rank up.

Phazon Samus - No points...your at the max ^_^


Normal Samus Rank:

Boss Z 0/15

Serrenox 0/15

instinctmeister 0/15

Saboooom 0/15

JK Rewrite 0/15

ncheng1997 5/15

University222 0/15

Remix Duelist 0/15

Rainbow Dark Dragon 0/15


Power Suit Samus Rank:

DAJ 0/30

VinceDude 15/30

Dragon Master 0/30

Heavyd91 0/30

Nukyasu 0/30


Gravity Suit Rank:

Swordgirl 0/50

Yankeefan07 23/50


Phazon Suit Rank:

Omegawave INF/INF



You get points by doing certain things. When you reach your max point value, you rank up to the next level. You get points by doing things like.....

-Making good cards for the academy

-Making things for the academy like Banners, and things like that

-Helping other forum members

-Being an all around good person





Photobucket because, the image quality is better.

ImageShack because, it's the only image hosting site that my school's computer security system allows.


So ImageShack is prefered.[/align]

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