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how to post cards


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Its actually quite simple (note: some ppl will be a jerk about it and tell you off sometimes if you dont follow my exact instuctions, not to be rude but im serious)


1. (this just what i do). Find the picture want for your card, but makesure it fits the title and isn't too blurry. I reccommend Photobucket.com.


2. Right-click on the picture and choose "Save as". Be sure to give the file a name so you know hat you are looking for in the upcomng step. Save your picture in other words. . .


3. Return to the card maker. Begin by creating your card's type and attribute and so forth until you get to a box which is empty, and next to the box there is a link which says "upload". Click the "upload" box. A second box will open in the top left corner of your screen, click on the browse button in this section. Locate your picture, which hopefully you saved, and click on open after you've highlited it. The box in your left hand corner should return with the filename in it. Click "upload".


4. Finish making your card. After you've made a circulation type (1st edition etc.), a set, a number, and a creator, generate your card. Save the picture of your card, (DON't FORGET TO NAME IT), and head to tinypic.com


5. There is an area in tinypic which allows you to upload pictures. Click on browse and locate your created card. After you find your card, click open. Then click on the green letters saying "Upload!".


6. Copy the url. There are a bunch of lettes and numbers all in separate boxes next to your card. There should be one that says the url, the bunch of letters and numbers, is used for forums and such. Copy THAT url.


7. Head back to the forum and find the area in which you wanted to post your card. Paste the url in the reply box. And that's it! Hope I helped. And don't be afraid to look me up for any other questions. P.S. The cardmaker is currently out of service, its acting funny and you can't open cards you've made. But when it's up and running, go and make some awesome cards.

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