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Yes its old, but the TCG holds grudges.

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Structure Deck Marik.


Spoiler Card List



SDM-001 Humanoid Slime


SDM-002 Makyura the Destructor


SDM-003 Revival Jam


SDM-004 Guardian Sphinx


SDM-005 Dark Jeroid


SDM-006 Newdoria


SDM-007 Helpoemer


SDM-008 Gravekeeper's Curse


SDM-009 Gravekeeper's Spear Soldier


SDM-010 Gravekeeper's Chief


SDM-011 A Cat of Ill Omen


SDM-012 An Owl of Luck


SDM-013 Cobra Jar


SDM-014 Lava Golem


SDM-015 Byser Shock


SDM-016 Drillago


SDM-017 Lekunga


SDM-018 Bowganian


SDM-019 Granadora


SDM-020 Viser Des


SDM-021 Magical Stone Excavation


SDM-022 Mystical Space Typhoon


SDM-023 Monster Reborn


SDM-024 Jam Breeding Machine


SDM-025 Card of Safe Return


SDM-026 Creature Swap


SDM-027 Dark Room of Nightmare


SDM-028 Stumbling


SDM-029 Nightmare's Steelcage


SDM-030 Spell of Pain


SDM-031 Malevolent Catastrophe


SDM-032 Jam Defender


SDM-033 Mirror Force


SDM-034 Reckless Greed


SDM-035 Coffin Seller


SDM-036 Rite of Spirit


SDM-037 Rope of Life


SDM-038 Nightmare Wheel


SDM-039 Acid Trap Hole


SDM-040 Widespread Ruin


SDM-041 Worm Drake


SDM-042 Giga Gagagigo


SDM-043 Mother Grizzly


SDM-044 Wandering Mummy


SDM-045 Swarm of Scarabs


SDM-046 Swarm of Locusts


SDM-047 Lord Poison


SDM-048 Rush Recklessly


SDM-049 Infinite Cards


SDM-050 Pyramid Energy


SDM-051 Non-Spellcasting Area


SDM-052 Bottomless Shifting Sand


SDM-053 Curse of Royal


SDM-054 Staunch Defender


SDM-055 Compulsory Evacuation Device


Source= yugioh.wikia.

Some TCG players have been whining about the OCG having a common CCV. I'm more peeved about the COMMON MIRROR FORCE! TCG players have to either hunt down an elusive copy of the card in Duelist Pack Yugi, or pay out the a** on Ebay/Amazon. All an OCG player has to do is walk into a store and say "Structure Deck Marik, Please", give the clerk ten bucks, and walk out w/ a Mirror Force, along with Lava Golem, Helpoemer, and 52 other cards.



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