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New Way To Run YCM?

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I don't know if anyone else is getting tired of certain things going on in YCM, but I might of found a way to fix them and make alot of people happy.


I suggest changing the entire way YCMaker is run so it will work more smoothly.


Administrators (Whoever)

Super Mods (one for each section)

Mods (For specific parts of said sections)

Owners (owners of a thread in any forum)

members (people who have posted and/or are part of the thread)



-Members should keep themselves and each other in check, with the thread owner settling arguments and such only when needed.


-Owners deal with the daily run of their threads, making sure that each member is keeping within the rules of the entire web site and/or the rules set for the thread. When they cannot decide on an argument then they may either request the help of another owner or the mod.


-Mods deal with the section they have been given. An example would be the RPG Mod or the Fan-Fic Mod. They are only called on when they see something that hasn't been dealt with by the owners or members. Every month on the first Tuesday they will be given requests by owners on how to improve their section or they will post their improvements. They report to Super Mods when a problem is either out of their hands or they want to improve something in their forum.


-Super Mods are almost like the normal mods, except they have a more broader jurisdiction. At the end of every month they report to the three administrators about any problems or solutions they have.


-Administrators are the three people who run the web site and attempt to improve the overall satisfaction of every memeber. They deal with only the highest concerning problems and only report to the other two administrators. Their word is finial and cannot be argued. Every decision by a Administrator is chosen by a three way vote, always making it fair so no administrator can become too power hungry.


Owners can appeal to another Mod or Super Mod is they feel their ruling was not fair. However it is up to the appealed to Mod/Super Mod to accept or deny their appeal.


If you have any suggestions or comments then please tell me. But please do not insult me for my opinion.

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Hu . . . didn't know YCMaker and Falling Pizza were brothers.


But no people don't do this. In fact Most of the time Mods just run the site with little resistance from anyone else. I think a few times a Super Mod or Administrator as stopped people.


And sure it seems messy and woulnd't work if no one participated. But this is a way to get everyone helpping in making YCMaker a better place instead of just letting the Mods do whatever they thought was the right thing to do.

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Guest JoshIcy

Idealy Supers are there to enforce stuff like the Supreme Court.

They have no local jurisdiction. And are called in when decisions that are harder to make, need to be made.

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Hu . . . didn't know YCMaker and Falling Pizza were brothers.


But no people don't do this. In fact Most of the time Mods just run the site with little resistance from anyone else. I think a few times a Super Mod or Administrator as stopped people.


And sure it seems messy and woulnd't work if no one participated. But this is a way to get everyone helpping in making YCMaker a better place instead of just letting the Mods do whatever they thought was the right thing to do.

They're usually right. =/ I think YCM's getting along fine.

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As do I Viva. However some of them are too how to say this without hurting anyone's feelings? Oh hell- they are on power trips. They think just b/c they have the position they can belittle anyone lower than them.


Icyblue- Oh. I didn't notice you where a Super Mod. Thank you for telling me more about the role of a Super Mod. To be honest I had very few refereancdes about what those with your title does. And its weird that I had the Super Mods doing just about the same thing. (I only used the names to help the explination be easier).


CC- that is why the Owners should only Pm the Mods when they have a serious problem with their thread. I give you an example I dealt with myself (though I was not the owner of the thread). I was in an rpg that constantly had problems showing new posts. Since the owner couldn't figure out how to fix it then she could of PMed the Mods and asked for help. That was a serious problem and a good example of the kinds that SHOULD be sent to a Mod.


However you cannot make a perfect system to solve every problem and so Mods should expect at least some stupid problems from owners (or Noobs as tou so klindly called them . . .) But you have to remember that although you may know the answer, someone else might not. So Mods should try and answer every "problem" that they get.

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Guest JoshIcy

I might add though.

That Supers can deal with reps and do full site IP scans. So they are the ban judges as well.


Though, me and Umbra have taken it up that we will take priority in our primary sections.

Mine being Custom Cards.

And Umbras being RP/Fan-Fic.

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Oh hello twisted! good to see you here. You do bring back a point I missed. I think it's simple to understand. However there may be people who do not get it. Adn if they don't then all they'd have to do is ask about it. Easy 1-2-3: Ask-Answer-Understand.


Icyblue- So Supermods also deal with the banning of members? Hmmm . . . you learn something new everyday. And I have talked with Umbra before. And might I add that you are a much more nicer/better Super Mod than he is. So what do you deal with in the Custom Cards? Can you delete threads?

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Guest JoshIcy

Lol. It's more like what I don't do in Custom Cards.

I've rewritten many rules, allowed flexibility and opened up numerous threads should a person want to have said something about the way things are run. I am very open about stuff like that.

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Wow, you are the exact opposite of Umbra. While you are open and allow people to do their own thing . . . well, I've already said it and I don't need Umbra breathing down my back.


And if you don't do much then it must mean you are doing something right. If there isn't much needed to be changed.

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Guest JoshIcy

Lol... If only people realized how flexible I am with Any Other Cards *points to the thread by Dark Heart*. Threads like that are legal there.



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But no people don't do this. In fact Most of the time Mods just run the site with little resistance from anyone else. I think a few times a Super Mod or Administrator as stopped people.


"No people do this" is wrong grammar



Lots of people do this unless your looking at bad threads.

From what i see,all thread creators try to keep their topic under control (Clubs,Showcase,etc.) like reminding then it is getting off topic or to stop flame wars and such.

Members report bad things.


Crab Helmet locks a lot of threads,as with a few other ones since they have a life rather than locking threads all day.

The admins may have locked a lot more threads than you think,they usually just tend not to make a locking post like some mods.

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And is there a problem with noobs or newbs? Must you forge that you too were once a noob/newb here too? How are they to help when they know so little about the site?


I agree with you on the owners part. I own a couple rpg threads and try to make sure everyone is on track. But in my own personal experiance Mods are usually on power trips. But then again there are those Mods/Super Mods like Icyblue here who are trully trying to be fair to everyone.

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Then you wanna know how to fix it?


Help them out! You cannot blame someone for being a bad rpger when they have just joined or do not know what they are doing is wrong and have no clue how to play anyother way! If you truly care about the rpg section, the life and blood of YCMaker (in my humble opinion), then you should go back to the RPG Section had work with those new members! PM them or post ways that they can become better players.

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And is there a problem with noobs or newbs? Must you forge that you too were once a noob/newb here too? How are they to help when they know so little about the site?


One: First impressions man.


Two: They should've looked around the site and read the rules first.


To be fair, this site targets 12-14 year olds, and at that age, you don't bother to read anything before jumping in :/


I didn't read the rules until a few weeks after I had started actively posting in the forums. But a few good 'lolnoob lrn2forum' type posts should set any newbie straight. And if they throw a jabroni fit and leave crying, they shouldn't be on the internet to begin with.

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