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Silver Shadow

Soul Immortal

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hmm...7/10. Nice card, but still a bit overpowered. Stall card, then summon this guy and set Ojama Trio. Activate it when targets or during the opponent's End Phase, and that's 1500 right there. And they can't get rid of em (the tokens).


Statwise...His low DEF is actual a savior in this instance, preventing Smashing Ground from being used on him. His ATK can easily be placed between any 4 star and single trib monster, making it easy to save him from Fissure and Hammershot. That takes care of the big 3 monster destroyers. Of course there's other ways...


And then there's his other effect. Don't even get me started on that....


Then again, you could just discard what I say and say I'm being mean. :P

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I know 7 is slight-sub-average, and that's where I'd place this card. It's low ATK and DEF do save it from several spells as I pointed out, but that also makes it easy to kill by aggros. An aggro deck using Skill Drain would absolutely maul this guy. And while it has the spell destruction effect, it might only get to use it once since many players would kill it immediately to save themselves from both its effect (refer to previous statement on how :P). And since he does require a trib, he is slightly less broken than he could be. I'd say he'd be limited in real play.

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