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My New Elemental Heroes Set: Space Time

Da Pokemon Lord

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Hello. I am fairly new at making decks and this is my first set. It is called "Space Time" and the cards in the deck refer to space. The cards will look nice and I hope you will like them.



Final Gravity

Elemental Hero Gravaios

Elemental Hero Gravatrax

Elemental Hero Gravax

Synthesized Gravity

Doom Vortex

Gravity Warp

Elemental Hero Warp

Warp Vortex

Elemental Hero Warpra

Elemental Hero Warprai

Black Hole

Chamber of Denial

Elemental Hero FullWarp

Light-Year Saber

Elemental Hero MaxiGrav

Time Lapse

Vortex Blade






NOTE: Anyone who uses my cards without my permission will be neg-repped and reported to a moderator. To use my cards, simply reply in this thread and I will copmment probably the day after.

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They seem overpowered in my opinion. To many effects for too little cost. They are nice looking cards, and the grammar was pretty good too if I remember correctly. For your first set they aren't too shabby. Maybe tone down the effects though, I mean for


Gravaios: spell and trap protection, drawing additional cards, and an effect when it goes to the grave seems a bit much. Especially since it is only 4 stars!


Gravax: even if it can't attack your opponent directly under normal circumstances, the fact that it can with its effect dealing 2150 points of damage seems a bit much especially since it has an additional effect when it goes to the grave too, and only recquires one sacrifice.


Lastly Gravatrax: special summoning monsters once a turn and having potentially 3750 ATK for 2 sacrifices is pushing it as well.


Oh yeah...in Synthesized Gravity you wrote "1700 or mess" when i think you meant "1700 or less." Didn't mean to sound so critical. They're not too bad i suppose. i mean i overpowered my first set a little too. 3/5 but they could be a lot better if they were more balanced.

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