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Review: Call of Duty: World at War (Wii)


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Your name: Parablank

Game name: Call of Duty: World at War

Game system: Wii

Online Capable: Yes

Rating: 4

Thoughts about: Great gameplay.







The story takes place in WWII in which you are Private Miller. After about 2 or 3 missions you take control of Private Dimitri Petrenko. The game just basically alternates between these two characters.

Pretty epic campaign if you ask me.




Great. It's just so awesome to point your Wii Mote like a actual gun and press the B button like the trigger. You can use just the Wii Mote, Nunchuck combo or Wii Zapper. Miyomoto was right when he said the Wii would be good at FPS's. It's comfortable even when the default options are selected. There's a lot of customization options like how fast your character can turn and what motion you can use to throw grenades.





Some people thought they were 360 graphics. Need I have to explain more?



Online: On one match you can have 8 players max. There are 8 maps (according to Gamespot). There are perks which are special upgrades, stuff like flamethrowers and better aim are examples. Despite you being a FPS "god" sometimes online is really frustrating. Some people MUST know what I'm talking about. MP40 users. I don't blame the ones who actually aim but noobs who spray are simply @ssh**** (I saw this one person who got 40 kills and 10 deaths with it, it's ridiculous). Another annoyance are grenade launchers, one blast and you're dead. Some people use the GL throughout the WHOLE match which is sad because you aren't getting the whole experience.




Epic campaign

Great controls (gameplay)

Great graphics




MP40, and GL users.

Wii's sucky specs make this game watered down (no Nazi Zombies, DLC gone, no vehicles, the list can go on for a long time....).

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I have this game for wii, I must admit, it's a really good game, but like you said, there are some drawbacks, such as no nazi zombie mode, and gfx decreased, but all in all, if you forget about those things, it's a good game for Wii.

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I got the game on Wii on Christmas and could never actually play online. I finally got Wifi on my new modem :D.


You remined me so I'm gonna go try online right now lawl.


But Nazi Zombies would've been fun...


I'll play you in Wi-Fi (don't tell me to go on the CA thread! Barely anybody has COD for the Wii.)... I know a lot of glitches. :)

Yeah, it would be nice if they added it. Imagine a COD by IW exclusively for the Wii. Best FPS ever... on the Wii.

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hmmm sounds interesting. . .I might consider buying this for the Wii' date=' but I have bad experience with COD5 because i bought CODWAW Final Fronts for the PS2 >.<


Please tell me this isnt FF?



It's not FF. Well, FF is the PS2 version, this is the Wii version which is WAY different from FF.

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hmmm sounds interesting. . .I might consider buying this for the Wii' date=' but I have bad experience with COD5 because i bought CODWAW Final Fronts for the PS2 >.<


Please tell me this isnt FF?



It's not FF. Well, FF is the PS2 version, this is the Wii version which is WAY different from FF.


Thank god for that.

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Meh' date=' the actual game itself is allright but the gameplay just is unbareable at some points, if you want a good fps on the wii


Metroid Prime And Ghost Recon are your best bets.



The Grinder is good, but it didn't come out yet. There's 4 player online co-op!

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