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Welcome to The Umbrella Corporation




^^Made by Snitch!^^

If you feel like it, you can make another banner for the club.[/align]





[align=center]Welcome to The Umbrella Corporation. Run by me, Tainted Wisdom. The main goal of this club is to talk about anything and everything associated with horror. It could be games, it could be movies. You decide. This isn't just a place for horror though. It is also a place where you can sit back and talk about anything from saving a kitten from a tree to jumping off a cliff.


If you would lke to be a part of The Umbrella Corporation, then you can fill out this form below:



Favorite Horror Game:

Least Favorite Horror Game:

Favorite Horror Movie:

Least Favorite Horror Movie:[/align]





If you would like to affiliate with The Umbrella Corporation, fill out this form below:



Club/Organization Name:

Why do you want to affiliate?:

Do you like this club?:


Current Affiliates:


Cafe N00b





[align=center][spoiler=Members and Ranks]



Tainted Wisdom





G Mutant:






Elite Grunt:



T-Virus Carrier:






-E-Hero Kyle

-Lazer Yoshi




-Yu-gi-oh for-life



-Nosferatu Reaper









Yes, practically the exact opposite of horror, but if you want to we can discuss it. Post you Wi-fi info too so that I can pwn you in a battle sometime. =p


Games you own:


Game Name:


[spoiler=My Info]

Games you own: Pearl, Diamond, Platinum

Platinum FC: 4640 5203 3936

Pearl FC: 3050 79349659

Platinum Name: Shane

Pearl Name: SHANE












Warnings to members:




Warning scale:


1 warning: A reminder

2 warnings: Close to being banned

3 warnings: You're banned from the club permanently



[align=center][spoiler=Events and Activites]




Often, I will post a quiz to test your knowledge of horror, mainly games. Winners may or may not move up in rank. It depends whether it is a big quiz or just a topic starter.


Card Contests:


Every now and then I will host, or one of my Co-Leaders will host, a contest.The winner may move up in rank, as they will not always be rank promoting contests.





[align=center][spoiler=Club Banners]

Made by Snitch



Made by Aragondom999





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  • Replies 393
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It doesn't have a lot in store but overall it is in fact a good game. I would rather prefer if capcom would make another truely survival horror RE game. Ones that make you jump out of your seat every 30 seconds. Like RE 1, 2, 3, outbreak 1 and 2, and code veronica. IMO RE4 > RE5 in terms of survival horror and quality in the storyline.

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Nice to see that somebody else agrees with me on the current standings of the Resident Evil franchise.


The Fatal Frame games will ALWAYS make you jump - since the ghosts come out of nowhere.


Silent Hill always has that "I hope something doesn't come out and get me" feel whenever you're walking around. The areas themselves are enough to freak you out (like in the nightmare hospital in SH3 with the bleeding flesh walls)

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I had Doom, Doom 2, and Final Doom on my old computer (before it died). I cannot get them on my new computer (since the game disc isn't compatible with Vista). Doom is one of my all-time favorite games. Which monster did you find the creepiest of them all?


I almost always jumped when I saw the Pinky (Bull Demon) or Cacodemon.

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Nope' date=' but he is the club bouncer! =D



TECHNICALLY a member, though. The Cyberdemon was never really scary - just menacing.


Any boss from Fatal Frame was scary - due to their backstory and the look on their face when you held that camera up. Not to mention they all had instant death attacks.


A handful of the Silent Hill bosses were scary, but others made you go WTF?

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Almost all of the necromorphs in Dead Space were scary and made you go WTF?


I'm gonna have to play Dead Space now. I hear that there will be one released for the Wii.


As for Resident Evil, the giant lake monster scared me the first time. Every other boss made me go 'eh'...


The older games did a better job with their bosses IMO.

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