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Tell me about your life.


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Well, lets see, where to begin? I was "born", if you will, sometime briefly after the dawn of time. I think. Its so hard to keep track of time. No, not the silly linear thing you people are into, real time. I may have existed even earlier, but my earliest cognitive thought happened as existence was still forming. For eons, I sat and did nothing, for there was nothing to do. You mortals have proven a brief respite to my boredom, although not nearly as entertaining as the Klveersdsd (the closest I can come up with using your limited alphabet) were. For the better part of your history I really had no way to interact with you though. I could only manifest myself (limitedly) to a select few, most of which were flying "as high as a kite", I believe the expression goes. Finally you mortals managed to create this convenient little contraption, "the internet". Now I can finally manifest myself in a communicative way. Not that your race's intelligence level leaves much to discuss. Now the AEkkkkk, there was a race of philosophers! Too bad they won't exist for another couple of eons...

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Well' date=' lets see, where to begin? I was "born", if you will, sometime briefly after the dawn of time. I think. Its so hard to keep track of time. No, not the silly linear thing you people are into, real time. I may have existed even earlier, but my earliest cognitive thought happened as existence was still forming. For eons, I sat and did nothing, for there was nothing to do. You mortals have proven a brief respite to my boredom, although not nearly as entertaining as the Klveersdsd (the closest I can come up with using your limited alphabet) were. For the better part of your history I really had no way to interact with you though. I could only manifest myself (limitedly) to a select few, most of which were flying "as high as a kite", I believe the expression goes. Finally you mortals managed to create this convenient little contraption, "the internet". Now I can finally manifest myself in a communicative way. Not that your race's intelligence level leaves much to discuss. Now the AEkkkkk, there was a race of philosophers! Too bad they won't exist for another couple of eons...





Um... My life isn't that exciting. Born in 1991. Been living for 17 years now... I waste too much of my life on this damned website. That's about it.

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