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Noiseman - Jazzix

Rock/Tuner/LIGHT/2 Stars

This card gets these effects, based on the number of cards in your hand. ● 2+: This card cannot be destroyed by battle. ● 4+: Once during your turn, you can Special Summon 1 Level 4 or lower "Noiseman" monster from your hand or Graveyard.

ATK/300 DEF/400


Noiseman - Rockix

Rock/Effect/LIGHT/4 Stars

This card gets these effects, based on the number of cards in your hand. ● 2+: Tribute 1 "Noiseman" monster you control. Increase the ATK of this card by 500 for each card in your hand. ● 4+: You take no battle damage from battles involving this card.

ATK/1500 DEF/100


Noiseman - Soulix

Rock/Effect/LIGHT/3 Stars

This card gets these effects, based on the number of cards in your hand. ● 2+: You can Tribute this card to return 2 "Noiseman" monsters in your Graveyard. If you do, draw 2 cards. ● 6+: You can Tribute this card to Special Summon 2 Level 4 or lower "Noiseman" monsters from your Deck.

ATK/1000 DEF/1000


Noiseman - Metallix

Rock/Effect/LIGHT/4 Stars

This card gets these effects, based on the number of cards in your hand. ● 2+: When this Defense Position monster is attacked, return the attacking monster to its owner's hand during the end of the Damage Step.● 4+: Increase the DEF of this card by 200 for each card in your hand.

ATK/100 DEF/1800


Noiseman - Beatix

Rock/Effect/LIGHT/2 Stars

During your Draw Phase, you can draw an additional card. You cannot Summon or conduct your Battle Phase during the turn you used this effect.

ATK/100 DEF/100


Noiseman - Technix

Rock/Synchro/LIGHT/6 Stars

1 "Noiseman" Tuner monster + 1 or more non-Tuner monster(s)

This card gets these effects, based on the number of cards in your hand. ● 2+: Once during your turn, you can Tribute 1 "Noiseman" monster you control to draw cards equal to the Level of the tributed monster. If you do, you must discard your entire hand during the End Phase. ● 4+: Once during your turn, if your opponent controls more monsters then you do, you can draw 1 card. ● 6+: You can discard 6 cards to destroy all cards on your opponents side of the field.

ATK/2800 DEF/1000


Noiseman - Heavy Metallix

Rock/Synchro/LIGHT/8 Stars

1 "Noiseman" Tuner monster + 1 or more non-Tuner monster(s)

This card gets these effects, based on the number of cards in your hand. ● 2+: You can send 1 face-down card you control to the Graveyard to negate the activation of a Spell or Trap card an destroy it. ● 4+: Increase the DEF of this card by 400 for each card in your hand. ● 6+: Once during your turn, you can switch the ATK and DEF of this card untill the End Phase. All Effects that affects this cards ATK now affects its DEF and vice versa.

ATK/2400 DEF/2800

NOTE: Srsly, how do I word the last effect?


Noisy Beatbox

Normal Spell Card

Discard 1 "Noiseman" monster. Draw 2 cards.


Bass Box 2000

Equip Spell Card

Equip only to a "Noiseman" monster. Apply all of the equipped monsters effects, even if you do not have enough cards in your hand.

NOTE: Unsure about this cards wording too.


More will be added.

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