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The Consequence Game

Tainted Wisdom

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Okay, here you state and action, then the next person who posts states a consequence.


[spoiler=Eg]person 1: I go fishing.


person 2: You catch a big fish, it pulls you in and you drown.


I killed a rabbit.


person 3: It's mother finds out, and send a hitrabbit after you.


I saw transformers 2.



I'll start.


I went out for a long walk.

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You walk into a back alley and come across a gang of Chuck Norris and Wilford Brimleys. I'll let your imagination go wild on that one...


I got a glass of water...


One question, who's Wilford Brimley?


@DeMeNTeD - You then saw a zombie, frightened, you turn the lights back off you wait a minute or too, then turn the lights back on too find out that you're already dead.


I stole car from Ford.

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