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The Life of a Cat(Somehow a life RP)

Christian Exodia

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Yeah, I know that most people are doing life RPs, but I came up with a idea after watching kitten videos on Youtube. How about, a life RP... but most of them are cats! Sure you could be a human, but i'll leave you two apps for Humans & Cats.


Do whatever a cat could do! Or stick with a human. NOTE: I put both cats in the same app.


Apps(I will create both; and have both):


Human app:

Name: Tyler Brooks

Age: 21

Gender: M

Which Cat(s) do you own?: Tundra & Nikki

Birthdate: November 9th, 1988


Cat app:

Name(s): Tundra & Nikki(Brother & Sister)

Age: 4 weeks

Kitten or Cat?: Both are Kittens

Mother: None; they are rescued kittens. At 1 week old.

Birthdate: July 3rd, 2009

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Name(s): Bounce

Age: 4 weeks

Kitten or Cat?: Kitten

Mother: A cat that died, she was eventually raised by dogs. She now speaks dog, cat, and spanish.

Birthdate: decmeber 25th. A little girl wanted a kitten for christmas, her brother wanted a bungee jumper. So, Santa gave them a kitten that bungee jumps.

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