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Road to Glory


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You start out as a local Skater, or BMXer or Dirtbiker, doing mini races and compitions to go big until one day when you enter in a compition that will change your life. You get sponsered then you begin to do shows and more shows until you reach...The X-Games!




Age: [17+]



If skate Vert/Street:

Bio:[Required at least 3 sentences]




Name: Zaven

Age: 18





Sport: Skate and FMX

If skate Vert/Street: Street

Bio: Zaven was a normal kid at the age of 8, loved to play video games, soccer and football and Skateboarding which he was real good at and had a passion for Until he'd gotten a dirtbike. As the gaming, soccer and football began to slowly stop, Zaven tried to fit more time into Skateboarding and Freestyle motocross. Zaven began to get better at the skateboarding and the freestyle as days, weeks and even months went by, Zaven started to enter in skate compitions winning golds and silvers, and for the FMX he trained at home jumping over his foam pit trying can-cans and such hoping to get big and furfill his dream of going to the X-Games.

Friends: ----

Rivals: -----



No scripted text.

No controlling NPC's

Don't Op your compitions so you automaticly get First I'll be judge.

Have fun.

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