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Screw it! Lock please (:

Silver Lining

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--Well here's another blast from the past ladies and Gentlemen. ~MT~ Is back!!!


Name: John Jeremy Harrison. (Prefers to be called JJ.)

Age ( 16-18 ): 17

Sex: Male


Has purplish brown hair, green eyes, wears a redish brown coat. He is about 5'7, of strong build, and wears black jeans. (Forget the wings)

Personality: He is happy at most times, loves music, but at times has a short temper.

Previous expirences involving this upcoming event or the "whispering voices": (Will post later, I GTG.)

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Name: Zak

Age: 17

Sex: Male

[spoiler=Appearance: ]246245310_l.jpg


Personality: normaly doesnt make a big fuss over things & instead finds it easier to laugh it off.

Previous expirences involving this upcoming event or the "whispering voices":

He often here's voices in his head, but he usualy egnores it & just continues what he's doing. he never thaught much of it untill one day he fell asleep in school, he had a dream & saw his friends & clasmates burned to a crisp. For the first time in a long time, he was woried.

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~ Hi, guys. Sorry I've been gone so long. Being in recovery sucks. Everyone who posted an app is accepted. FYI, I will most likely continue the other rp we were in the middle of at some point- I just closed it because I was really confused as to what was happening. Haha. Yeah, so only 3... or is it 4.. more people need to join and then we can start! ~

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Name: Kyle Jordan

Age ( 16-18 ): 18

Sex: Male

Appearance: http://images.google.co.uk/imgres?imgurl=http://i271.photobucket.com/albums/jj154/Irany17/anime/anime-1-2.gif&imgrefurl=http://avatars.imvu.com/Guest_gothicsora666&usg=__FnTDdUyVUIrw_oU_b32Kraeynwo=&h=438&w=600&sz=99&hl=en&start=3&um=1&tbnid=koMJuLEsbjNFJM:&tbnh=99

Personality: Calm and collected. Intelligent when it is needed and understanding. When annoyed can get steamy.

Previous expirences involving this upcoming event or the "whispering voices": He has always heard the voices from a young age. They spoke ancient Egyptian so he couldn't understand. But he learnt the language and finnaly understood them, but he never tells anyone else. He does tell them in anceint Egyptian though so they don't understand. "Amen, Sekmet Air En Seten!" Is what they say.

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