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>:( The TCG is not happy about this

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If they didn't' date=' we'd have common CCV in an epic DARK structure Deck.



and starter deck marik.


Spoiler Card List



SDM-001 Humanoid Slime


SDM-002 Makyura the Destructor


SDM-003 Revival Jam


SDM-004 Guardian Sphinx


SDM-005 Dark Jeroid


SDM-006 Newdoria


SDM-007 Helpoemer


SDM-008 Gravekeeper's Curse


SDM-009 Gravekeeper's Spear Soldier


SDM-010 Gravekeeper's Chief


SDM-011 A Cat of Ill Omen


SDM-012 An Owl of Luck


SDM-013 Cobra Jar


SDM-014 Lava Golem


SDM-015 Byser Shock


SDM-016 Drillago


SDM-017 Lekunga


SDM-018 Bowganian


SDM-019 Granadora


SDM-020 Viser Des


SDM-021 Magical Stone Excavation


SDM-022 Mystical Space Typhoon


SDM-023 Monster Reborn


SDM-024 Jam Breeding Machine


SDM-025 Card of Safe Return


SDM-026 Creature Swap


SDM-027 Dark Room of Nightmare


SDM-028 Stumbling


SDM-029 Nightmare's Steelcage


SDM-030 Spell of Pain


SDM-031 Malevolent Catastrophe


SDM-032 Jam Defender


SDM-033 Mirror Force


SDM-034 Reckless Greed


SDM-035 Coffin Seller


SDM-036 Rite of Spirit


SDM-037 Rope of Life


SDM-038 Nightmare Wheel


SDM-039 Acid Trap Hole


SDM-040 Widespread Ruin


SDM-041 Worm Drake


SDM-042 Giga Gagagigo


SDM-043 Mother Grizzly


SDM-044 Wandering Mummy


SDM-045 Swarm of Scarabs


SDM-046 Swarm of Locusts


SDM-047 Lord Poison


SDM-048 Rush Recklessly


SDM-049 Infinite Cards


SDM-050 Pyramid Energy


SDM-051 Non-Spellcasting Area


SDM-052 Bottomless Shifting Sand


SDM-053 Curse of Royal


SDM-054 Staunch Defender


SDM-055 Compulsory Evacuation Device


Source= yugioh.wikia.


Koff koff - Lava Golem. Helpoemer. MIRROR FORCE IN A FRIGGING STARTER DECK? COME ON!!!

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