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>:( The TCG is not happy about this

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The reason why OCG gets pack of all our stuff while we only get 10 cards at a time is simple

1) Theiir are a crap load more OCG only and it would take a couple packs to cover them all

2) The game is from Japan so they will always get better stuff

3) Kind of like 2, we are hated.


On Topic: The isn't new, and we don't even need 1/2 a brain to know what cards will be in the pack.

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Americans are more competitive.


Westerners are dumb enough to spend that much on cardboard' date=' whereas the Japanese don't really care.



Wow, prejudice against us "westerners" much? We might not get all the OCG cards, but we get what we need to stay competitive in the World Championships, which, i guess, is enough. We might get these later on, anyway- Dragon Master Knight was OCG long before we got it over here.

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japan doesnt care because they have selection.

yugioh has to compete heavily with a hundred other trolling things over there.

thats why they dont gouge them on prices.

crush n s*** comes in starter decks.

its insulting.


Is CCV the only reason they didn't make those decks here?

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i have no idea.


they realize they can keep making money here' date=' so they do.



also, westerners are more competitive?

is that what i heard?

the top players of any given video game is generally an oriental...



why do you say that they are oriental? it is actually pretty well mixed in general, and at the highest levels of play in a game, they usually are just as good as the others there, it just comes down to a bit of luck on successfully guessing what they are going to do next.


in the top ten on wc09, for example, there is only one Japanese, at rank 7.


of course, the top spot flips between a brit and a brit, so, whatever.

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