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[+WD.JG] Winterbell Designs Club Wallaper


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That's right guys, I made us a Club Wallpaper! It fails, but w/e.


[spoiler=It's big - 1366x768]






I know it's fail, but it's all pentooled, except the logo. And I fail at pentooling, so yeah... It can be cropped to fit your screen, since not everyone has a widescreen.

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The lines between the main tree outline/the tree fill is very irritating and seems pixellated/LQ


Same with the clouds.


Also, reallistically, I'm not sure, but IMO that brown bit shouldn't be there, as it would be white with snow. and nothing in nature is ever straight anyway.

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Wait a bit, then I'll get my computer back off my bro and I'll probably give you ideas.


Needs remaking IMO.


and the lines I were on about are a result of stroking a pentool path with a soft brush, then using the fill bucket.

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