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Two Drawings


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The outline still looks a bit' date=' what's the word, Scratchy? Also, the hand needs to be made to look like fingers. Not like he's got a human glove on.[/size']


alright thanks :)

i think that if i edit it that much i would probably need to do the pose over again

so for now i think thats as good as i can get it

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  • 5 months later...

These are pretty good in my opinion.

1st pic: The colors for the ears are creative, but why does the guy's hair stick up so much? You shouldn't draw the collor bone extending all the way to her shoulders, just a little less though. I like the heart gem on the girl's forehead, and the goggles and glasses(why both?) on the guy. But 3 highlights in their eyes seem like a little much, maybe just 2? The guy's arm seems ok to me, I'm not sure it that's because you fixed it or what. Nice work on the shading, is the light coming from in front of them?


2nd pic: What's that puple thing behind her? I can't see her left shoulder, is that a result of the purple thing? 3 highlights and a gaping mouth work good for somebody that's worried all the time, and I like the bow in her hair =3. Her collar bone doesn't go out too far like in the first pic, that's good. Shading appears as if it's coming from the upper-right, if so, good job. Maybe add some teeth though.

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