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Life is like a Party [A College RP] Need more guys! (Started / Accepting by PM)

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Username: visser

RP Name: Zak

Gender: Male

Age: 17

Year: Freshman


Computer Animation,

Science, Math, & Engineering,

Criminal Justice and Security,




Job (Optional): navy (Oonly requires 1 weekend a month & pays a LOT.) NOTE: real

Background: He has 4 siblings, however all of them abandoned his mom, most before they turned 16, becaus of this he feels that he is responsible, and he sends most of his money to her to pay the bills. He started training in boxing a few years ago, and he recently started taking a different style of martial arts for the navy, he's nowhere near the best, but he is good enough to fight back if he is attacked. he only goes to collage so that he can hang out with somebody besides his mom, and for the most part he doesn't really care about his grades.

Additional info: unknown why, but he gets along beddar with girls than guys, and is very protective of all girls, even if they dong get along.

Fe can speak & write in Lithuanian & French.

Crush: none...yet

[spoiler=Image: ] 246245310_l.jpg


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Ashley laughed and pushed her black hair out of her eye. "Hoping to be a popular guy huh? Well I dont really care if I'm popular or not I..."


Teacher: "Ok class enough talking! It time to pay attention!" The teacher turned around and wrote on the board the words 'Professor Blakes.' "Alright. I'm Prof.Blakes and as you should know, I teach Chemistry."

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Ferno came into class, late. "Sorry sir, I got muddeled up!". Everyone except Ashley laughed. "Sit down Ferno, I will let you off this time" the Professor said. "Hey,Ashley, thanks for sticking up for me!" Ferno whispered to Ashley. Ferno opened his book and looked at the writing on the book. "Now students..." the Professor said, carrying on with his boring lecture.

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Teacher: "Well now that most of the class is finally with us..." Prof. Blakes looks around. "Maybe we can continue. Now can anyone tell me how much the element Oxygen weights?"


IC: Ashley rolls her eyes and looked to the back of the class at Jace, then looked at the others. She waited for someone to raise their hand.

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Teacher: "Alright then I guess you all do know this. Now just read in your books from pages 14 to 20 and then next class we will have a little experiment."


IC: Ashley smiled "Yay! Beginning of the year and we already have an experiment!" She leaned forward and began reading the proper pages of the Chemistry book.

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