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Nooblet Breakdown...

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I just lol'd when Trap Holed his Red Dragon Archfiend he almoust said **** you he goes F- you' date=' he thought I didnt hear it, but I did.



It's impossible to legally Trap Hole a Red Dragon Archfiend. Looks like you lose by default for cheating. Nice job!





Either he meant the bottomless version or he didnt deserve to win.



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LOLZ. That is funny. Something like that happened to me once, but I didn't actually face him. It was the match next to mine, so I overheard. He was an 8 year old Japanese kid, and he walked in with a duel disc. WTF??? Anyway, he started crying after he got kicked out because he refused to take the God Cards out of his deck.

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When I read that about his fuckin piece of shi't mom I banged the fuckin' table and shouted "AH FUCKIN HAET DAT jabroni!!1!!". Srsly. The sad little sheet.



Man that is just sad. But it must have been funny. The sore fuckin sore loser six year old piece of sheet can suck mah dick and go to hell. His fuckin mom should just get raped, and should learn that she should not raise godfuckin newfag shits, or support them when there nooby little ass get raped.




but, srs, at the end you should of said to his mom "it's not my fault your kid sucks".

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I have alot' date=' it's just that it's real mature to have your mom look at your opponents cards because her kid sucks at duleing...



True, but you stuck your tongue out at him. It takes two to fight. You should've just walked away.


conflict is never the answer to anything

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I have alot' date=' it's just that it's real mature to have your mom look at your opponents cards because her kid sucks at duleing...



True, but you stuck your tongue out at him. It takes two to fight. You should've just walked away.


conflict is never the answer to anything


I disagree. Conflict resolved both World Wars.

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First time a did a backflip, I landed on someone's face. I shouted, holy sheet I did it. Funny story huh? I've got a better story. I beat someone in CS with only a knife while he was holding an AK-47, he wrote, you n00b jabroni. Then went offline. I was laughing my ass off.

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I have alot' date=' it's just that it's real mature to have your mom look at your opponents cards because her kid sucks at duleing...



True, but you stuck your tongue out at him. It takes two to fight. You should've just walked away.


conflict is never the answer to anything


I disagree. Conflict resolved both World Wars.


Conflict also caused both world wars.



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I have alot' date=' it's just that it's real mature to have your mom look at your opponents cards because her kid sucks at duleing...



True, but you stuck your tongue out at him. It takes two to fight. You should've just walked away.


conflict is never the answer to anything


I disagree. Conflict resolved both World Wars.


Conflict also caused both world wars.




Well obviously, conflict was the answer then.


Oh, and lack of conflict started WWII.

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I have alot' date=' it's just that it's real mature to have your mom look at your opponents cards because her kid sucks at duleing...



True, but you stuck your tongue out at him. It takes two to fight. You should've just walked away.


conflict is never the answer to anything


I disagree. Conflict resolved both World Wars.


Conflict also caused both world wars.




Well obviously, conflict was the answer then.


Oh, and lack of conflict started WWII.


Conflict doesn't have to be physical, but we're getting offtopic.


Anyhoo, although this might not relate, I remember going to a sneak preview a couple of years back where a dad tried to steal a Uria I pulled for his 7 year old by saying that it was his originally.

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I lol'd. Reminds me of this time the local bowling alley in my neighborhood, Maple Lanes, was holding a tournament for Bourough Champion of Yu-Gi-Oh TCG. (Best in Brooklyn) It was 64 entrants. I faced an onslaught of pre-tweens. 6, 8, 7, etc...


So in the third round, I was dueling a 7 year old. He had both his parents with him. I had by pal Anthony, who at the time was helping me with my dueling since I wasn't that good. Anthony sat a good 5 yards away, as I didn't want to cheat. The 7 year old drew his first hand and his mom said "Play this face down and play this monster." I laughed silently and went. I destroyed both cards. His mom yelled **** really loud and almost everyone there turned. The turns went by, and when the kid's LP reached below 3000, his dad circled me. He turned to his wife and whispered, most likely what I had. The mom gave him another stratedgy. He failed again after my turn came around, and I knocked his LP to zero. His mom cussed like a storm and unleashed her fury, trying to beat me. I got slapped and stomped upon with high heels. He ran away, towards the lanes. Anthony had an idea, and he followed. He went about 5 lanes ahead and grabbed a bowling ball. As the mother passed, Anthony bowled, taking the mom down. The ball pushed her down the lane, causing some burn marks. I got disqualified for "injuring a participant's gaurdian." I argued, saying I had won already. They finally agreed, and I was brought back into the tournament. I won, and held the Bourough Title for over 5 months.

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I lol'd. Reminds me of this time the local bowling alley in my neighborhood' date=' Maple Lanes, was holding a tournament for Bourough Champion of Yu-Gi-Oh TCG. (Best in Brooklyn) It was 64 entrants. I faced an onslaught of pre-tweens. 6, 8, 7, etc...


So in the third round, I was dueling a 7 year old. He had both his parents with him. I had by pal Anthony, who at the time was helping me with my dueling since I wasn't that good. Anthony sat a good 5 yards away, as I didn't want to cheat. The 7 year old drew his first hand and his mom said "Play this face down and play this monster." I laughed silently and went. I destroyed both cards. His mom yelled **** really loud and almost everyone there turned. The turns went by, and when the kid's LP reached below 3000, his dad circled me. He turned to his wife and whispered, most likely what I had. The mom gave him another stratedgy. He failed again after my turn came around, and I knocked his LP to zero. His mom cussed like a storm and unleashed her fury, trying to beat me. I got slapped and stomped upon with high heels. He ran away, towards the lanes. Anthony had an idea, and he followed. He went about 5 lanes ahead and grabbed a bowling ball. As the mother passed, Anthony bowled, taking the mom down. The ball pushed her down the lane, causing some burn marks. I got disqualified for "injuring a participant's gaurdian." I argued, saying I had won already. They finally agreed, and I was brought back into the tournament. I won, and held the Bourough Title for over 5 months.



i wonder if should say "cool story bro" or "tl;dr"

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I lol'd. Reminds me of this time the local bowling alley in my neighborhood' date=' Maple Lanes, was holding a tournament for Bourough Champion of Yu-Gi-Oh TCG. (Best in Brooklyn) It was 64 entrants. I faced an onslaught of pre-tweens. 6, 8, 7, etc...


So in the third round, I was dueling a 7 year old. He had both his parents with him. I had by pal Anthony, who at the time was helping me with my dueling since I wasn't that good. Anthony sat a good 5 yards away, as I didn't want to cheat. The 7 year old drew his first hand and his mom said "Play this face down and play this monster." I laughed silently and went. I destroyed both cards. His mom yelled **** really loud and almost everyone there turned. The turns went by, and when the kid's LP reached below 3000, his dad circled me. He turned to his wife and whispered, most likely what I had. The mom gave him another stratedgy. He failed again after my turn came around, and I knocked his LP to zero. His mom cussed like a storm and unleashed her fury, trying to beat me. I got slapped and stomped upon with high heels. He ran away, towards the lanes. Anthony had an idea, and he followed. He went about 5 lanes ahead and grabbed a bowling ball. As the mother passed, Anthony bowled, taking the mom down. The ball pushed her down the lane, causing some burn marks. I got disqualified for "injuring a participant's gaurdian." I argued, saying I had won already. They finally agreed, and I was brought back into the tournament. I won, and held the Bourough Title for over 5 months.




That reminds me of this one time when I was dueling this one guy on a blimp once. He was bein dumb so I Special Summoned my Ra from the graveyard and attacked him. I thought I knocked the baka out, but he stood up and summoned Gearfried the Iron Knight. I was all like, WTFYDIDNTUDIED:. Thankfully, he couldn't shout 'ATTACK' and I ended up sending him to the shadow relm. Then I lost to some spikey haired nerd in the final round.

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I don't know about you but beating six year old's in Yugioh always makes me feel better. Once the match was over you should have rubbed it in his face and exclaimed that he was a loser' date=' and he will always be a loser. Then you should have beat up his mother, impregnated her, then stole his Yugioh cards.


Well, that's how [i']I[/i] would have handled the situation.



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The only thing worse are kids whose parent buy them $500-$600 decks off ebay... It's a pain losing to 9 year olds using gladiator beasts and lightsworns... (Proof that meta takes NO SKILL to use)

This, and knowing that you can't buy the cards the kids got from their parents because your own parents won't help you get them and you don't have a job.
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I don't know about you but beating six year old's in Yugioh always makes me feel better. Once the match was over you should have rubbed it in his face and exclaimed that he was a loser' date=' and he will always be a loser. Then you should have beat up his mother, impregnated her, [b']then stole his Yugioh cards.[/b]


Well, that's how I would have handled the situation.


Please explain the bolded part to me. If this guy sucked at YGO, why in the world would you steal his crappy cards?

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Lol. And I thought 30 year olds playing Children's Card Games was scary.

But a six year old in a Tourny o.O

I didn't think most 6 year olds knew the rules.

My friends Little bro sure doesn't. HE THOUGHT A RAVIEL TOKEN WAS RAVIEL!

And his brother made me let him use it on me *facedesk*

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I just lol'd when Trap Holed his Red Dragon Archfiend he almoust said **** you he goes F- you' date=' he thought I didnt hear it, but I did.


two things what the hell kinda mom teaches him those words

and u cant normal trap hole a synchro summon

I don't know about you but beating six year old's in Yugioh always makes me feel better. Once the match was over you should have rubbed it in his face and exclaimed that he was a loser' date=' and he will always be a loser. Then you should have beat up his mother, impregnated her, [b']then stole his Yugioh cards.[/b]


Well, that's how I would have handled the situation.


Please explain the bolded part to me. If this guy sucked at YGO, why in the world would you steal his crappy cards?


for teh lulz

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