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[spoiler=Plot]Pouvoir Academy is an academy for youths with special powers and those who are in-human. This is almost the same as any normal academy but some classes have been changed to fit the benefits of those who attend the academy.



Age (14-18):


Powers(up to 2 powers):

True Form:

(you can only chose True Form or Powers not both)


[spoiler=My Application]Name:Raphael Sorte

Age (14-18):17


Powers(up to 2 powers):N/A

True Form:Charon


[spoiler=True Form list](will be filled in gradually if you have any suggestions just post them with a description in your App.)

Charon: A descendant to Alder Kings and Banshees

Alder King:an immortal being with great strength able to control and steal life force

Banshee:a dark wispy figure able to control and steal soul energy


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