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skilled DM VS. crusader of Endymion [Disc]

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SkilledDarkMagicianSDSC-EN-C-1E.jpg VS. CrusaderofEndymionSOVR-JP-SR.jpg

for crusader:

This card is treated as a Normal Monster while face-up on the field or in the Graveyard. While this card is face-up on the field, you can Normal Summon it to have it be treated as an Effect Monster with this effect:

● Once per turn, you can place 1 Spell Counter on 1 face-up card on the field that Spell Counters can be placed on. Until the End Phase of a turn in which a Spell Counter is placed by this effect, this card gains 600 ATK.


which one is better for spell-counter decks?


because production and collection are two different things.

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As you said they are used for different porpouses...

alone SDM is easy beatstick and Spell counter holder

Endy's disadvantage is being a gemini

Both work great togheter thought

althought I like the Dark Valkyria/Breaker + Crusader combo better


You forgot that Skilled DARK Magician is in fact, a DARK monster


My take:


Crusader's cool, even though He's a Gemini.


SDM: Beatsick, allure food...not much else.


I may stick Crusader into My Spellcaster Village build that I've got posted up.

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@shadow' date=' you forget, sdm can hold spellcounters, coe cant.


i say why not use both?

this kind of deck could use double summon well.



space issues, needs to keep room for other level 4s (defender, exemplar) while still having room for the lower/higher level stuff to make synchros.

unless you want the deck to ignore arcanite and tempest. which isn't a good idea since they win the game for you in this deck.

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i suppose. they need a lvl 4 tuner >.>

though then it doesnt work so well with exemplar.


i guess it depends if youre using the apprentice engine or not.


actualy, they are getting one. tuned magician. level 4 1800 atk, light.

but it's a gemini, and it's effect is ''I become a tuner.''

which means if you want it as the tuner, you have to give more.

oh well.

however it will be the only monster that can tune with just itself.

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I'm not very experienced in the Spellcaster Area, but from what I can tell you're better off using Crusader of Endymion. Skilled Dark Magician has the same ATK, and all it does is get Dark Magician. Crusader of Endymion can place Spell Counters on anything that gets them, and can gain a little extra ATK in the process.

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star missed the point.

skilled is dark' date=' so he works with allure, the primary draw engine in spellcasters.

furthermore, he can /hold/ spellcounters.

the dark magician thing has nothing to do with why people use him.



just to say, arcane barrier is also useful, but it needs casters to die to charge up outside of apprentice and spell power grasp.


also, is it just me, or are spellcasters getting a lot of new stuff in the next few sets?


the jesters, the fortune ladys, and who knows what else.


it is going to be an interesting time I think.

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star missed the point.

skilled is dark' date=' so he works with allure, the primary draw engine in spellcasters.

furthermore, he can /hold/ spellcounters.

the dark magician thing has nothing to do with why people use him.



just to say, arcane barrier is also useful, but it needs casters to die to charge up outside of apprentice and spell power grasp.


also, is it just me, or are spellcasters getting a lot of new stuff in the next few sets?


the jesters, the fortune ladys, and who knows what else.


it is going to be an interesting time I think.


Fourtune Ladies FTW!


But yeah they are getting alot they just need a higher variety of levels for there Tuners and Synchros and they could become a really good strategy

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