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Code Geass: Undo the World(Accepting PM)(started)[PG-13](NEW EVIL CHARACTER CHOICES)


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Character's Name: Mask

Character's Unit: BanderSnatch

Postion(the number next to the slot you want): 7 (black knights)

Character's Physical Discription(or pic):A cloaked masked figure, his untamed black hair and mask has kept his identity a secret.

Character's Personality: a very dark sense of humor, at random moments cries over his "masters".

Character's Knightmare Discription(or pic): a comepletly silver knightmare with large arms and claws, the arms can stretch and crush other knightmare frames, deemed a hazardous mech, a prototype created by Britannia, extremely slow and high armor.

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demonicfatazn and Katoki welcome to the fight! accepted!


"Its cool" Suzaku said. "Does anyone know how the transport knightmare frame is?"

(Not transport like poof. i meant like a knightmare that can carry ground units.)

"We can propell from the top of the building here. This means we wont get noticed until we get to the lip of the tunnel. But we need the transporter in order to do this. We will send a large team. This will incluuuuuude," he said looking around the room "Sarah, Ignis, rapheal, and Fugimoto." He said this with a troubled look. "But remember this is just to see the terain. Nothing more."

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Ignis took out some plans she had made to Upgrade the Dynames, then walked over to a free table and began to finish it off "Super Substratospheric Altitude Gun" she muttered, holding the Red Wine Glass in other hands, and a pen in the other, fixing up the stats, range, and overall design.

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Fugimoto sat one the silt wall bench and looked at pictures of his friends and family, muttering to himself. He put all but one away. It was a sketch. It has been incomplete for to days now. with all the work he hasnt been able to finish it. So he flipped himself over onto his stomach and started to draw, still muttering and feet kicking in the air like a little child in an interesting book.

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((since when did you have a private hangar?))

((Since I posted I had one XD... You could have one too if you posted saying you had one!))


Ignis entered the Dynames cockpit and began a system's check while Haur docked himself in "System Boot-up, System Boot-up" he beeped, as the screens turned on, flashing with multipul Boot-Up windows opening and closing.

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