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Christmas Wishlist?


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So' date=' anyone here know what they want for Christmas yet? If so, please share!

My list so far:

Ps3 console

Assassins Creed

[b']Call of Duty 4[/b]

Kane and Lynch: Dead Men


Resistance: Fall of Man


And for PSP

Silent Hill: Origins


Those two are awesome!


Anyway, something like:


Skate (PS3)

If Namco says they won't localize it; Tales of Innocence (DS)

Tales of Rebirth (PSP JP)

Maybe Tales of Eternia (PSP JP)

Maybe Guitar Hero (PS3)

Silver PSP (my old one is really crappy. The X and [] buttons feel like they're going to pop out.)


I usually don't think about my Christmas List before Thanksgiving.

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Here is mine' date=' from most important to least.


1. [b']Nintendo Wii[/b]

2. the Zelda game

3. Mario Galaxy

4. Yu-Gi-Oh! World Championship 2007 for DS

5. Pokemon Diamond for DS

6. Gladiator's Assault Booster Box/packs

7. Rise of the Dragon Lords Structure Deck

8. Booster Packs





everything i HAVE already is bold.

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I don't get that much nomore and mostly video games if I do but here is mine


Wish List:

Nintendo DS


Nascar 08

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

Assassins Creed

Madden 08

Yu-Gi-Oh cards

Poemon cards and

Naruto cards


EDIT: You say it's to early my sisters and parents already putting up the tree

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Get ready to be amazed by my greed..


Fruits basket manga (all current volumes)

iPod Touch

A new mobile (haven't decided yet)

Simpsons 10th boxset (Seasons 1-10)

Certain Jewellery

DVD's and Music (blah blah...)

GA booster box

Maybe some new football shoes..Gold ones..purty..


I do want games but I don't bother asking people to get them for me...I buy one game at a time, once I've completed it I will go on to the next game.


I also wanted to get a deactivated desert eagle .50 but its become illegal now in England to purchase or obtain guns...Deactivated or activated..lame

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ratchet and clank up you arsenal

naruto ultimate ninja 2

some naruto figures (idk)

EDIT:ratchet and clank size matters

ratchet deadlocked


ratchet and clank future tools of destruction

final fantasy

kingdom of hearts


naruto wii games

all the goosebumps books

horror movies with werewolves

ratchet and clank going commando

jak and daxter 1

jak and daxter 2

jak and daxter 3

jak and daxter 4


xbox 360




a trip to the chinese shop

a trip to space aliens


all the fort minor cds

all the hawk nelson cds

all the tdg cds

all the linkin park cds

all the dead poeitc cds (if there ARE any)

a german shepherd

a baby cat

a wolf

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