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My first Archtype, Mid-Future Monsters


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This is the first Archtype I'll be posting here at YCM. This Archtype focuses mainly on using the Field spell, Mid-Future kingdom to swarm and dump monsters in the remove from play zone. Alot More about swarming than dumping though.


These are the Monsters



Mid-Future Squire

Attribute: Dark

Type: Machine/Tuner

Level: 2



Once per turn, you can increase or decrease the level of one face-up monster by 1 until the end phase. During the end phase of a turn you used this effect, remove this card from play.

ATK/ 1000 DEF 500


Mid-Future Soldier

Attribute: Dark

Type: Machine/Effect



Once per turn, during the battle phase, you can increase the ATK of one face-up “Mid-Future” monster you control by 400. During the end phase of a turn you used this effect, remove this card from play.

ATK 1500 DEF 1200


Mid-Future Shift Reverser


Type: Machine/Effect

Level: 2

Once per turn, you can select 1 face-up monster on your opponent’s side of the field and return it to their hand. During the end phase of a turn you used this effect, remove this card from play.

ATK 500 DEF 900


Mid-Future Voider

Attibute: Dark

Type: Machine/Effect

Level: 3


Once per turn, When this card battles with an opponent’s monster, you can remove that monster from play without applying damage calculation. During the end phase of a turn you used this effect, remove this card from play.

ATK 1200 DEF 300



Mid-Future Warper

Attribute: Dark

Type: Machine/Effect

Level: 4

When this card is removed from the field, you can special summon 1 level 4 or lower “Mid-Future” monster from your deck.


ATK 1100 DEF 900


Mid-Future Gatekeeper

Attribute: Dark

Type: Machine/Effect

Level: 3

Once per turn, you can select 1 Mid-Future Kingdom on your side of the field and destroy it. During the end phase of a turn you used this effect, remove this card from play.

ATK/1100 DEF/700


Mid-Future Breaker


Type: Machine/Effect


Once per turn, you can select 1 “Mid-Future” monster on your side of the field. It can attack directly this turn. If you use this effect, the attack of the attacking monster is halved . During the end phase of a turn you used this effect, remove this card from play.


ATK 200 DEF 200


Mid-Future Summoner

Attibute: Dark

Type: Machine/Tuner

Level: 3


Machine/ Tuner

Once per turn, you can select 1 level 4 Mid-Future monster that has been removed from play and special summon it to your side of the field. Its effect is negated, and it cannot attack this turn. During the end phase of a turn you used this effect, remove this card from play.

ATK/ 1400 DEF/ 1100


Mid-Future Caster

Attibute: Dark

Type: Machine/Effect



Once per turn, you can tribute 1 monster to add 1 “Mid-Future” spell or trap card in the graveyard to your hand. During the end phase of a turn you used this effect, remove this card from play.

ATK 1800 DEF 100


Mid-Future Returner

Attibute: Dark

Type: Machine/Effect

Level: 3



Once per turn, you can select up to 3 “Mid-Future” monsters in your graveyard and remove them from play. During the end phase of a turn you used this effect, remove this card from play.

ATK/500 DEF/300





Mid-Future Archer

Attibute: Dark

Type: Machine/Effect



Once per turn, you can place 1 "Archer Counter" on a monster your opponent controls. When a monster with an "Archer Counter" attacks, it is removed from play at the end of the battle phase. If you use this effect, this card cannot attack this turn. During the end phase of a turn you used this effect, remove this card from play.

ATK/1700 DEF/1400


Mid-Future Barricader

Attibute: Dark

Type: Machine/Effect

Level: 3


You can remove this face-up card from play to negate the effect of an effect card that targets a “Mid-Future” monster and remove it from play.


ATK 600 DEF 1900


Mid-Future Exemplar

Attibute: Dark

Type: Machine/Effect

Level: 3


Once per turn, you can select 1 face-down spell or trap card on your opponent’s side of the field and remove it from play until the end phase.During the end phase of a turn you used this effect, remove this card from play.


ATK 1000 DEF 700



Mid-Future Hybrid Horseman

Attibute: Dark

Type: Machine/Effect




You can special summon this card if 5 or more “Mid-Future” monsters are removed from play. This card can attack all monsters on your opponent’s side of the field once. If it does, your opponent takes no battle damage. When this card would be sent to the graveyard, remove it from play instead.

ATK/ 2200 DEF/ 1700


Mid-Future Architect

Attibute: Dark

Type: Machine/Effect



You can remove this card in your hand from play to add 1 “Mid-Future Kingdom” from your deck to your hand.


ATK/ 900 DEF / 600



These are the Synchro Monsters



Mid-Future Knight

Attibute: Dark

Type: Machine/Synchro/Effect



Mid-Future Squire + 1 or more non-tuner monsters

Once per turn, you can select 1 “Mid-Future” monster removed from play and 1 face-up monster on your opponent’s side of the field. The selected monster loses ATK equal to that monster’s level x 200. During the end phase of a turn you used this effect, remove this card from play.

ATK/ 2500 DEF/ 1300


Mid-Future King’s Dragon

Attibute: Dark

Type: Machine/Synchro/Effect



1 Mid-Future tuner + 1 or more non-tuner monsters

Once per turn, you can remove up to 2 face-up monsters on your opponent’s side of the field from play. If you use this effect, you cannot declare an attack this turn. During the end phase of a turn you used this effect, remove this card from play.

ATK/ 2700 DEF/ 1500


King of Mid-Future, Megaera

Attibute: Dark

Type: Machine/Effect

Level: 10


1 Mid-Future tuner + 2 or more non-tuner monsters


Increase this card’s attack by the number of “Mid-Future” monsters removed from play x 300. Once per turn, you can select 1 “Mid-Future” monster removed from play. This card gains the selected monster’s effects until the end phase.

ATK 1900 DEF 0


These are the Spells/Traps


Reborn Storm

Quick-play spell card

When a “Mid-Future” monster is special summoned, you can special summon a “Mid-Future” monster that has been removed from play.


Mid-Future Plethora

Continuous spell card

During the end phase, if a "Mid-Future" monster was special summoned this turn, draw 1 card.


Reborn Sacrifice

Normal Trap card

Activate when your opponent declares an attack against a face-up "Mid-Future" monster you control. remove from play the attacking monster. Then, you can special summon a level 4 or lower “Mid-Future” monster that has been removed from play.


Mid-Future Kingdom

(Field spell card)

Once per turn, during your main phase, you can special select 1 “Mid-Future” monster that has been removed from play. Pay life points equal to half of the selected monster’s ATK, and special summon it to your side of the field. When the selected monster would be removed from play, send it to the graveyard. Once per turn, If this card would be destroyed, you can negate the destruction. Then, remove 1 "Mid-Future" monster in your deck from play.




Macro Barrier

Continuous Trap

If you have no cards in your graveyard, your opponent cannot declare an attack. During the end phase you can remove cards in your graveyard from play equal to the number of face-up monsters you control.


False Pretense

Normal Trap card

When you’re opponent declares an attack against a face-up “Mid-Future” monster you control, you can remove that monster from play and special summon 1 “Mid-Future” monster that has been removed from play. It becomes the new attack target.


Dimension Dust

Equip Spell Card


Equip only to a “Mid-Future” monster. It gains 300 ATK. The equipped monster cannot be removed from play by it’s own effect.


(here's another equip i just thought of)


Mid-Future Lance

Equip Spell Card


Equip only to a "Mid-Future" monster. It gains 700 ATK. When the equipped monster is removed from play by it's own effect, add this card to your hand.


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Mid-Future Squire

Attribute: Dark

Type: Machine/Tuner

Level: 2

Once per turn' date=' you can increase or decrease the level of one face-up monster by 1 until the End Phase. During the End Phase of a turn you used this effect, remove this card from play.

ATK 1000 DEF 500


[i']It's a level 2/3 tuner, pretty good, even slightly splash able with the choice of levels. I don't see anything wrong with the card[/i]


Mid-Future Soldier

Attribute: Dark

Type: Machine/Effect


Once per turn, during the Battle Phase, you can increase the ATK of one face-up “Mid-Future” monster you control by 400. During the End Phase of a turn you used this effect, remove this card from play.

ATK 1500 DEF 1200


There are plenty of usable cards with 1900+ ATK, so the effect is fine.


Mid-Future Shift Reverser


Type: Machine/Effect

Level: 2

Once per turn, you can select 1 face-up monster on your opponent controls and return it to the top of their Deck. During the End Phase of a turn you used this effect, remove this card from play.

ATK 500 DEF 900

This one is probably a bit too powerful, you can remove a monster from the field every turn and force them to draw it again, it might be ok if you only sent it to their hand, but still pretty strong.



Mid-Future Voider

Attibute: Dark

Type: Machine/Effect

Level: 3

When this card battles an opponent's monster, you can remove that monster from play without applying damage calculation. During the End Phase of a turn you used this effect, remove this card from play.

ATK 1200 DEF 300



Mid-Future Warper

Attribute: Dark

Type: Machine/Effect

Level: 4

When this card is destroyed, remove it from play instead. When this card is removed from play, you can Special Summon 1 level 4 or lower “Mid-Future” monster from your Deck.

ATK 1100 DEF 900


Maybe you should make it only work if removed from play, from the field? Otherwise, Gold Sarcophagus will be an instant Summon from Deck and then getting this card later too, not entirely broken, but you might want to think about that.


Mid-Future Gatekeeper

Attribute: Dark

Type: Machine/Effect


Once per turn, you can select 1 "Mid-Future Kingdom" on your side of the field and destroy it. During the End Phase of a turn you used this effect, remove this card from play.

ATK 1100 DEF 700


Ok, I can see how that works with Mid-Future Kingdom and Warper's effects, a lot of these monsters could probably do with a bit more ATK/DEF though, it's a very frail Archtype.


Mid-Future Breaker

Attribute: Dark

Type: Machine/Effect


Once per turn, you can select 1 “Mid-Future” monster on your side of the field. It can attack directly this turn. If you use this effect, the ATK of the attacking monster is halved. During the End Phase of a turn you used this effect, remove this card from play.

ATK 200 DEF 200


Works well as a target to Summon for Kingdom, otherwise, possibly a little weak,


Mid-Future Dark Summoner

Attibute: Dark

Type: Machine/Tuner

Level: 3

Once per turn, you can select 1 level 4 DARK monster in you or your opponent’s Graveyard and Special Summon it to your side of the field. Its effect is negated, and it cannot attack this turn. During the end phase of a turn you used this effect, remove this card from play.


You forgot the ATK/DEF. This card is a bit overpowered. Have you heard of Black Salvo? This is that, but once per turn and it doesn't have to be a machine, -and- it's from either players Graveyard. Try making it get them from the RFG pile, it fits the theme more.


Mid-Future Caster

Attibute: Dark

Type: Machine/Effect


Once per turn, you can tribute 1 monster to add 1 “Mid-Future” Spell or Trap Card in the Graveyard to your hand. During the End Phase of a turn you used this effect, remove this card from play.

ATK 1800 DEF 100


Ok, reasonable beatstick with a +0 effect, good card, I'd leave it as it is.


Mid-Future Returner

Attibute: Dark

Type: Machine/Effect

Level: 3

Once per turn, you can select up to 3 “Mid-Future” monsters in your Graveyard and remove them from play. During the End Phase of a turn you used this effect, remove this card from play.

ATK 500 DEF 300


Fine effect, good tech for the Deck, maybe add some ATK/DEF



Mid-Future Archer

Attibute: Dark

Type: Machine/Effect


Once per turn, you can remove from play 1 face-up monster on your opponent controls. If you use this effect, this card cannot attack this turn. During the End Phase of a turn you used this effect, remove this card from play.

ATK 1700 DEF 1400


Whoa, OP'd. It can easily kill any monster for no cost. That'd be ok if it instantly RFGed itself. But you keep the monster and can Synchro with it, which makes it an extremely powerful monster, even more so with that 1700 ATK, add a cost or a limitation and possibly some downside to the card.


Mid-Future Barricader

Attibute: Dark

Type: Machine/Effect

Level: 3

You can remove this card from play to negate the effect of a card that targets a “Mid-Future” monster and remove it from play.

ATK 600 DEF 1900


Good card, I like it, leave it as it is.


Mid-Future Exemplar

Attibute: Dark

Type: Machine/Effect

Level: 3

Once per turn, you can select 1 face-down Spell or Trap Card on your opponent’s side of the field and remove it from play. During the end phase of a turn you used this effect, remove this card from play.

ATK 1000 DEF 700


See what I said for Archer, the same thing applies here, it's not quite as bad, though.


Mid-Future Hybrid Horseman

Attibute: Dark

Type: Machine/Effect


You can Special Summon this card from your hand if 5 or more “Mid-Future” monsters are removed from play. This card can attack all monsters on your opponent’s side of the field once each. If it does, your opponent takes no battle damage this turn. When this card would be sent to the Graveyard, remove it from play instead.


For a multi-attacker, including the ATK/DEF is pretty important. Depending on that, this could be an OP'd field wiper or a reasonable multi-attacker


Mid-Future Architect

Attibute: Dark

Type: Machine/Effect

Level: 2

You can remove this card in your hand from play to add 1 “Mid-Future Kingdom” from your Deck to your hand.


You forgot the ATK/DEF. Fine searcher.




Synchro Monsters


Mid-Future Knight

Attibute: Dark

Type: Machine/Synchro/Effect


Mid-Future Squire + 1 or more non-tuner monsters

Once per turn, you can select 1 “Mid-Future” monster removed from play and reduce the ATK of 1 face-up monster by the selected monster’s level x 200. During the End Phase of a turn you used this effect, remove this card from play.


Again, ATK/DEF? That could make it a good beatstick, with the effect, or just some nice support for other Synchs.


Mid-Future King’s Dragon

Attibute: Dark

Type: Machine/Synchro/Effect


1 "Mid-Future tuner" + 1 or more non-tuner monsters

When this card declares an attack, you can remove up to 2 face-up monsters on your opponent’s side of the field from play. If you use this effect, no other monsters on your side of the field can attack this turn. During the end phase of a turn you used this effect, remove this card from play.


...ATK...DEF...Important... I guess the RFGing himself kinda balances it, but could you select the monster you were about to attack, RFG it, and then replay? If you can, fix it, that'd be too much.


King of Mid-Future, Megaera

Attibute: Dark

Type: Machine/Effect

Level: 10

1 "Mid-Future tuner" + 2 or more non-tuner monsters

Increase this card’s attack by the number of “Mid-Future” monsters removed from play x 300. Once per turn, you can select 1 “Mid-Future” monster removed from play. This card gains the selected monster’s effects until the End Phase.

ATK 1900 DEF 0


Woo hoo, mega beatstick! And you included ATK/DEF! Effect is nice too, I like this one!


These are the Spells/Traps


Reborn Storm

Quick-play spell card

Activate when a “Mid-Future” monster is Special Summoned. Special Summon a removed from play “Mid-Future” monster.


Reasonable condition, reasonable effect, other sets have insta-summons, this is only really broken-ish with the field, and still not that bad, DDR can Summon ANYTHING without a condition, after all.


Mid-Future Plethora

Continuous spell card

When A “Mid-Future” monster is Special Summoned, you can draw 1 card.


Uh... Unlimited CoSR for an Archtype who's field SS 1/turn? This is too powerful, add something like a discard after you draw, this makes the Deck far too fast.


Reborn Sacrifice

Normal Trap card

When your opponent declares an attack, remove from play all face-up monsters on the field. Then, you can Special Summon a level 4 or lower “Mid-Future” monster that has been removed from play.


Maybe a little OP'd, it has to be after an attack though, so I don't think you have to do much balancing, maybe make you RFG a card in your hand from play?


Mid-Future Kingdom

(Field spell card)

Once per turn, you can select 1 “Mid-Future” monster that has been removed from play. Pay Life Points equal to half of the selected monster’s ATK, and Special Summon it. When the selected monster would be removed from play, send it to the Graveyard. Once per turn, If this card would be destroyed, you can negate the destruction. Then, remove 1 "Mid-Future" monster in your Deck from play.


It's not too frail because of the last effect, and once per turn SS with a bit of a cost and limited to an Archtype... very powerful, but as a main card, I think I'll leave it alone for now.


Macro Barrier

Continuous Trap

If you have no cards in your Graveyard, your opponent cannot declare an attack.


You'd have to be REALLY lucky to get this to work, maybe make the effect easier to use? For example, you can RFG # cards in your Graveyard

each turn?


False Pretense

Normal Trap card

When you’re opponent declares an attack against a face-up “Mid-Future” monster, you can remove the target of the attack from play and Special Summon 1 “Mid-Future” monster that has been removed from play. It becomes the new attack target. During the End Phase, remove the Summoned monster from play.


Summed up, It will probably kill the opponent's monster and RFG your monster, after all things are done. People will probably run D-Prison over this, you could probably leave it without the bit that removes the summoned monster from play.


Dimension Dust

Equip Spell Card

Equip only to a “Mid-Future” monster. It gains 300 ATK. The equipped monster cannot be removed from play by it’s own effect.


Useful on some of the Synchros... might be not useful... hard to tell without ATK/DEF >>


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Did I comment enough? I also fixed the wording on all of the cards.

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