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ask me a question(this is here in place of previous q&a)


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how many stars in the sky?

why do I think 2+2=5?

why does fire hurt me?

what is the best time of day?

who's the luckiest YCM member?

how many questions have I asked in this thread?

why am i not a good stalker?

why don't you believe I'm stalking you?

do you know this time I'm behind you?

Are the stupid questions as funny as they used to be?

how come you don't ask me to guess your hair style anymore?

how many words are in the intire thread?

do you find me annoying?

how many fingers am I holding up?

do you want to work for the FBI?

do you know all my questions are going to be like this?



you answered some of them, these are the ones you missed,

did you miss them on purpose?


because they're mostly stupid?

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how many stars in the sky?

why do I think 2+2=5?

why does fire hurt me?

what is the best time of day?

who's the luckiest YCM member?

how many questions have I asked in this thread?

why am i not a good stalker?

why don't you believe I'm stalking you?cause ur in the uk

do you know this time I'm behind you?no ur not

Are the stupid questions as funny as they used to be?sorta

how come you don't ask me to guess your hair style anymore?cause i ware konan and haku

how many words are in the intire thread?alot

do you find me annoying?sometimes

how many fingers am I holding up?3976

do you want to work for the FBI?nope

do you know all my questions are going to be like this?yes

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oh srry um i kinda skipped and forgot to go back

ur sometimes annoying either that or funny


how many stars in the sky?alot

why do I think 2+2=5?ask mako

why does fire hurt me?ask kitty

what is the best time of day?afternoon

who's the luckiest YCM member?kitty

how many questions have I asked in this thread?alot

why am i not a good stalker?cause u tell me u stalk me

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