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Lightningazn's Celestial Card Contest [Complete]


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The reason I am making this contest is because im stuck on making cards for my Celestial Set (Which you can find in my Sig)



Places In The Tourney So Far

1st - Lucifer

2nd - Anonymous

3rd - Hyper Super Shadic


To win this contest im going to combine your Round 1 score with your round 2 score

round 2 will start when someone post their card and end a week after it


And here are you new Set IDs

Lucifer (Set ID CF-EN003)

Anonymous (Set ID CF-EN004)

Hyper Super Shadic (Set ID CF-EN007)



- Anyone can participate

- It is 5 points to enter (not much)

- No fake types

- Circulation should be Limited Edition

- The Set ID should be CF-EN0?? (the "?" depend on your entry number ex. if your the first contestant your card should be CF-EN001 and if your the tenth contestant your card should be CF-EN010.. etc)

- And put your display name as a the Creator

- Don't make the cards until i post that you are in the contest

- You can only post 1 card, if you want to post another that counts as another entry and will have to pay 5 points

- There are going to be 2 rounds in this contest to win the prizes

- The top three cards will be accepted into my new set, but only the winning card will be on a trophy, booster, and deck.

- Round 1 is going to be a Monster Card of any kind Contest (Normal, Effects, Synchro, Dark Synchros, Tuners, Rituals.. etc)

- If you are doing a ritual make a Spell Ritual Card with it (this will be counted into Round 1)

- Round 1 will end on August 8th

- Round 2 is going to be a Spell/Trap of any kind Contest (Field, Equip, Quickplay.. etc)

PS: If you make a Dark Synchro or Ritual, you have a better chance of winning (if they are good)

PSS: if you make a fusion of the cards i already have you have a even better chance of winning (if it is good)





[spoiler=[b]Card Qualifications[/b]]

- The card should have "Celestial" somewhere in the name (or it could be a "Celestial" support card)

- They all have the same theme of the color blue

- Wind attribute

- My Celestial Background (which you can find if you look down a little)

- My Celestial Symbol transparent some where noticeable in the picture(which you can find if you look down a little)

- All the effects deal with cards being removed from play

- And there ATK and DEF end with 50 not 00 (ex. ATK/1850 DEF/2150)

PS: If you need help or ideas on the cards to make take a look at my Celestial Set in my Sig






Round 1 judging will start whenever someone posts a card and ends when i find the top 3 monster cards i like then they will go onto Round 2. When Round 2 begins, only 1 will win that round

- 20 Points for picture

- 30 Points for OCG

- 10 Points for Effect or Description

- 15 Points for Originality

- 15 Points for Creativity (No its no the same as Originality)

- 10 Points for not being OP'd

- +5 Bonus Points for a Dark Synchro or Ritual Monster Card

- +10 Bonus Points for a Fusion Monster Card

So the total points someone can get is

100/100 or

105/100 or


Round 2 Judging

- 10 points for picture

- 20 Points for OCG

- 15 Points for Effect

- 10 Points for originality

- 10 Points for creativity

- +5 Bonus Points for a continuous card

Total Points that you can receive are

65/65 or









1st Place: A gold trophy with your card in it, your card on the cover of my new booster (Celestial Fulfillment), 50 points, 3 rep points and 2 free things in my shop (which you can find in my sig)

2nd Place: 25 points, 2 rep points, and 1 free thing from my shop

3rd Place: 10 points and 1 rep point

Just Entering: A free pokemon splice from shop (if you want one)

If you win and dont want the other prizes, you can just get 100 points instead of rep points and free items






1. Hyper Super Shadic (Set ID CF-EN001)

2. Anonymous (Set ID CF-EN002)

3. [email protected] (Set ID CF-EN003)

4. speedy452 (Set ID CF-EN004)

5. Lucifer (Set ID CF-EN005)

6. Zelda Hero 1 (Set ID CF-EN006)

7. Kirbyoh (Set ID CF-EN007)





[spoiler=[color=#800080]{Round 1} Monster Cards/Scores[/color]]

[spoiler=[b]1. Hyper Super Shadic[/b]]

3rd Place and moving on to Round 2


[spoiler=[b]Score[/b]]Picture 10/20 - no celestial background or symbol auto half off

OCG 20/30 some errors

Effect/Description 6/10 didnt like it so much

Originality 15/15 never seen the pic yet

Creativity 10/15 didnt get editted at all

Not OP'd 10/10

Dark Synchro/Ritual 0/0

Fusion 0/0

Total 71/100




[spoiler=[b]2. Anonymous[/b]]

2nd Place and moving on to Round 2


[spoiler=Winged Celestial Knight Lore]This monster can only be Ritual Summoned with the Ritual Spell Card, "Celestial Wings". You must also offer 1 "Celestial Knight" and 1 or more monsters whose total Level Stars equal 4 or more as a Tribute from the field or your hand. Monsters, destroyed by battle with this card, are removed from play instead of going to the Graveyard. When monster is removed from play by this Card's Effect you can choose one of the following effects: •Increase your Life Points by 600 •Increase this cards ATK by 400.



Picture 20/20 overused pic

OCG 25/30 minor errors

Effect/Description 9/10 like it but didnt love it

Originality 10/15 overused pic

Creativity 15/15 liked the wings on the symbol

Not OP'd 10/10

Dark Synchro/Ritual 5/0

Fusion 0/0

Total 89/100




[spoiler=[s]3. [email protected][/s]]


[spoiler=[b]Score[/b]]Picture /20

OCG /30

Effect/Description /10

Originality /15

Creativity /15

Not OP'd /10

Dark Synchro/Ritual /0

Fusion /0

Total /100




[spoiler=[s]4. speedy452[/s]]


[spoiler=[b]Score[/b]]Picture /20

OCG /30

Effect/Description /10

Originality /15

Creativity /15

Not OP'd /10

Dark Synchro/Ritual /0

Fusion /0

Total /100




[spoiler=[b]5. Lucifer[/b]]

1st Place and moving on to Round 2


[spoiler=Celestial Immortal Card Lore]"The Celestial Being" + 1 "Celestial" monster.

This card is also treated as a Fairy-Type monster. When this card is Summoned, by removing 5 or more "Celestial" monsters from your deck, hand, or field from play, this card cannot be effected by Spell, Trap, or Monster Effects for the remainder of the duel. This effect can be used only once per duel. Increase the ATK and DEF of this card by x500 for every "Celestial" monster removed from play and in your Graveyard. During your Main Phase, you can Special Summon 1 "Celestial" monster to your opponent's side of the field in face-up ATK Position. That monster's ATK is reduced to 0 is removed from play at the end of the Battle Phase. This monster cannot be destroyed except by the effect or attack of a "Celestial" monster. As long as this card remains on the field, both you and your opponent can attack only once.


[spoiler=[b]Score[/b]]Picture 20/20 love it

OCG 29/30 near perfect, just didnt undersetand one pat

Effect/Description 9.5/10 too long

Originality 15/15

Creativity 15/15

Not OP'd 10/10

Dark Synchro/Ritual 0/0

Fusion 10/0

Total 108.5/100



[spoiler=[b]6. Zelda Hero 1[/b]]

4th Place but not going on to Round 2


[spoiler=The Armed Celesetial Alien Card Lore]This card can only be Ritual Summoned with the Ritual Spell Card, "Celestial Alien Ritual". This card cannot be Special Summoned from your Graveyard. Once per turn, you can remove from play any number of cards on the field until the End Phase, take 800 Points of damage per card that was removed from play on your opponent's side of the field. If you remove cards on your side of the field from play, increase your Life Points by 800 per card. If this card is removed from play, you can inflict 1200 points of direct damage to your Opponent's life points.


[spoiler=[b]Score[/b]]Picture /20

OCG /30

Effect/Description /10

Originality /15

Creativity /15

Not OP'd /10

Dark Synchro/Ritual 5/0

Fusion 0/0

Total /100




[spoiler=[s]7. Kirbyoh[/s]]

Disqualified but i posted you score anyways


[spoiler=[b]Score[/b]]Picture /20

OCG /30

Effect/Description /10

Originality /15

Creativity /15

Not OP'd /10

Dark Synchro/Ritual 5/0

Fusion 0/0

Total /100








[spoiler=[color=#800080]{Round 2} Spell/Trap Cards/Scores[/color]]

[spoiler=[b]5. Lucifer[/b]][spoiler=[b]Score[/b]]Picture 0/10

OCG 0/20

Effect 0/15

Originality 0/10

Creativity 0/10

Continuous Card 0/0



[spoiler=[b]2. Anonymous[/b]][spoiler=[b]Score[/b]]Picture 0/10

OCG 0/20

Effect 0/15

Originality 0/10

Creativity 0/10

Continuous Card 0/0



[spoiler=[b]1. Hyper Super Shadic[/b]][spoiler=[b]Score[/b]]Picture 0/10

OCG 0/20

Effect 0/15

Originality 0/10

Creativity 0/10

Continuous Card 0/0










[spoiler=[b]Celestial Background[/b]]34i0086.jpg



[spoiler=[b]Celestial Symbol[/b]]29ql2ya.png





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You can use only 6 reps at max for a contest. So you might want to fix the prizes to like:

1st: 3 reps

2nd: 2 reps

3rd: 1 rep


The other prizes can stay.


Also, I might consider joining.


EDIT: I am joining. Points will be sent upon acceptance.

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Ill enter

but i cant put the background or symbol so soz i had a really good card too


ok accepted

ill fix the card after your done with it then (thats if you win though)

I would like to join.


So we don't have to have the background or symbol?

If that's the case i'll join, i've got a great card for this contest PM me if I can do that

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My cards:



[spoiler=Lore]This monster can only be Ritual Summoned with the Ritual Spell Card, "Celestial Wings". You must also offer 1 "Celestial Knight" and 1 or more monsters whose total Level Stars equal 4 or more as a Tribute from the field or your hand. Monsters, destroyed by battle with this card, are removed from play instead of going to the Graveyard. When monster is removed from play by this Card's Effect you can choose one of the following effects: •Increase your Life Points by 600 •Increase this cards ATK by 400.


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ok ill join


ok send me those points

My cards:



[spoiler=Lore]This monster can only be Ritual Summoned with the Ritual Spell Card' date=' "Celestial Wings". You must also offer 1 "Celestial Knight" and 1 or more monsters whose total Level Stars equal 4 or more as a Tribute from the field or your hand. Monsters, destroyed by battle with this card, are removed from play instead of going to the Graveyard. When monster is removed from play by this Card's Effect you can choose one of the following effects: •Increase your Life Points by 600 •Increase this cards ATK by 400.




nice i see you did the ritual

ive paid so here it is



dude you should read the rules it has to be a wind attribute and your Set ID shouldve been CF-EN001

and the ATK and DEF should end with 50 not 00

so if you want to win fix it before judging ends

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You can use only 6 reps at max for a contest. So you might want to fix the prizes to like:

1st: 3 reps

2nd: 2 reps

3rd: 1 rep


The other prizes can stay.


Also' date=' I might consider joining.


EDIT: I am joining. Points will be sent upon acceptance.




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You can use only 6 reps at max for a contest. So you might want to fix the prizes to like:

1st: 3 reps

2nd: 2 reps

3rd: 1 rep


The other prizes can stay.


Also' date=' I might consider joining.


EDIT: I am joining. Points will be sent upon acceptance.





ok accepted

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here it is



ok better



Now that I think about it' date=' should it not be CB, because what is CF supposed to stand for?



well my first set i made was CB which stood for Celestial Beginning

now im going to make a second set which is CF which stands for Celestial Fulfillment

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Card is up:




Image creds: Viva La Catman for the Render, Jason Engle of DA for the pic, you for the symbol and background



"The Celestial Being" + 1 "Celestial" monster.

This card is also treated as a Fairy-Type monster. When this card is Summoned, by removing 5 or more "Celestial" monsters from your deck, hand, or field from play, this card cannot be effected by Spell, Trap, or Monster Effects for the remainder of the duel. This effect can be used only once per duel. Increase the ATK and DEF of this card by x500 for every "Celestial" monster removed from play and in your Graveyard. During your Main Phase, you can Special Summon 1 "Celestial" monster to your opponent's side of the field in face-up ATK Position. That monster's ATK is reduced to 0 is removed from play at the end of the Battle Phase. This monster cannot be destroyed except by the effect or attack of a "Celestial" monster. As long as this card remains on the field, both you and your opponent can attack only once.

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