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this is easy, everyone show me your best card(s) you may enter up to 5 cards as a set or just 1 card, entering more cards will NOT increase your chance of winning, there is but 1 rule:

1) cards must be ranked at least 7.5/10 by my AGIB card, for those of you who dont know thats:

Art: 0-10/10

Grammar: 0-10/10

Idea: 0-10/10

Balance: 0-10/10

idea is another word for originality here but AGOB didnt sound as good, and grammar will be judgesd harshly, i will equel out the 4 grades, and give you an overall, wich must be more than 7.5/10 its that easy..



1st = 5 reps

2nd = 1 rep

3rd = 50 pionts


contest ends sunday the 18th at midnight, do not reserve inless you plane on entering, reserves are vioded at wednsday the 21st at midnight!! i will post the moment thay are over! so inless you see a post of me saying "this contest is now over!" you can enter, all cards are aloud, exept funny ones, if thay are stupid or funny, or have horrable grammar, i will not even judge them, and i would like to ask for to more judges on this, but judges CAN NOT enter the contest, but will insteed get 10 pionts for being a judge. i only wont high-ranking members of the site for judges, but i will choose my judges by friday!


one last thing there is no limit to entries!!!! use any card(s) you like

and fill free to reserve, no limit to reserves either (other rules still aplly however) good luck!!

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bozataaaaa: your cards have a nice idea, the art isnt that great, and the grammar is off, there a wee bit over powered, so im sorry i cant pass you, nice cards though 6/10


Dragon Master: what do you not get by 1 to 5 cards you enter 20! besides the grammar is way off, pick 5 of them with the best grammar, and ill let you enter


da-clown-of-hell: your cards are great, other than you keep forgeting to put an s at the end of oppenant, and the wind dragons is a water card... and the earths effecr is confusing, i pass your cards at 9/10!



Kaitos: nice card, i think you ment to put "this cards ATK is doubled" and you left the period off the end, other than that, its a nice card ill pass it at 7.8/10


klemenkin: Great cards, the reaper 1's art is squeshed, but other than that there great, thay pass! 9.5/10


i think that makes 10 entrys?? yall realy wont those 5 rep!

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rholowie: GREAT CARDS! 10/10 easy, thay look like real cards i love "the phantom geisha" great cards 10/10!! YOU PASS!!


dragon master: i like the cards, but onse more. FIX THE GRAMMAR! i cant even tell what there effects are, kakashi/s should be writen


"once per turn you may select 1 monster on your oppenants side of the field, as long as this card is on the field, its effect is treated as the selected monsters"


other than that some minor rewording is needed, at least fix kakashis, his effect is so off that... just fix them and you can enter, at least kakashis.. his is screwed up the most... i think i just repeated myself.....

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