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Okay this is based on the Online Multiplayer game on whirled.com


I give you a picture and you must think of funny captions. I myself am allowed to participate because the winning caption is decided by the public. You must post saying which caption you vote for. Then once the winner is announced I will give you another picture and so-on so forth.


NOTICE: I will take no responsibilty for any rude captions.



1. The participants must vote otherwise their caption will be disqualified.

2. Participants cannot vote for their own caption.


Let's start:



My Caption:

Yo weird dude, watch this! *Does hornstand* Booyeah!

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Matador: Ole! What nao beyotch! D=<

Bull: How about you suck my balls!?

Matador: What did you say?

Bull: Oh I'm sorry, what I meant to say was, *Takes a microphone* HOW ABOUT YOU SUCK MY BALLS, MR. MATADOR!?!?!?

Audience: ...

Announcer (If they have 'em): ...Holy s*** dude.


South Park reference FTW >=D

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