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Some "Armageddon" in a way cards


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Underpowered if you ask me, Shadow-Imprisoning Mirror / Skill Drain makes this card a useless 12 star 0/0 fiend, The equip spell Wicked Breaking Flamberg - Baou and the monster Baou are just a few cards that manipulate and destroy this cards ability to become a creature of Armageddon. As well other cards like Spell Shield Type 8 and Magic Jammer negate the ability of ritual spell. Its like saying Winged Kuriboh Lv10 is broken just because the enemy would take much damage and you wouldn't, one cannot judge without considering their is over 500 cards to pick from in anyones arsenal for certain situations. Also what if you summoned a 2nd Shadow and I used the spell card Snatch Steal? It would become a stall mate I could ram my creature into yours, both die, cancel each others abilitys of letting the controller win and ending the duel in a DRAW. The spell card doesn't need proper fixing, its written as whats needed for the ritual, instead of stars its spefic requirements to the ritual that require you to be able to bring in the ritual monster, also the ritual monster can be just returned to the hand, soul exchanged, removed from the game without destruction involved and you still win against your opponent's ritual monster.

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