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Leo's Club o' Fun: Imma be the best club again!


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Er....no. My problems with my computer took a total of 5 months to repair properly. I had a problem in May - June...I was able to come online, but when I posted, it always came it as twice. And it wasn't because of YCM. On most of my posts. I got pissed off...so I had edit it everytime -_- Yeah, I had another problem, September to the beginning of November. I thought it was repaired at October.

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I'm in!


Username: Daily News

Stars: 5

Fav Song: I'm a hardcore Linkin Park fan, New Divide - Linkin Park

Circle or Square: Circle used in drawings and stuffz more.

What Is The Club Motto: "I am the best! I can do anything! I can make anything! I suggest stuff that we can learn to make! At least we can make a good motto :P !"

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