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Yugioh 5D: The Alternative "Abridged" Dark Signer Arc


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I've seen too many Abridged Movies.........

[spoiler=My secret weapon]

People aren't joining. Darn it!


I know!


Watch this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f49bra-O-A8



This is an alternative realm of Yugioh 5D where Yusei and the others don't exist but this is also an abridged version of the alternative realm which I think makes sense. (Note that you can screw the rules and swearing is allowed as long as you censor it)


Basically, a long time ago, giant animals with gay lines on them appeared for no reason at all but then people who wore bathrobes summoned the Crimson Dragon who then somehow summoned 5 Dragons which are somehow related to fairy-tales. Then they battled the Giant Animals for 10 seconds and then the giant animals with gay lines were sealed in even more lines which is ridiculous. Lately, those Animals have awoken and somehow became a card for children's card games.






Catch Phrase/Something you usually say(Optional):


Bio (Optional):

Side (Dark Signers, Signers, etc.):

Earthbound Card/Signer Dragon:

Major or Minor character?:




1. Censor all swearing

2. Have fun ^_^

3. No sexual things.

4. You can rename cards

[spoiler=To mods:]

Don't ban me. I just want humor ^_^




A random guy suddenly appeared right out of the blue for no reason and it's sorta impossible for random people to appear like and I think I'm adding too much description and said "That's it?". Then I looked at him and said "Yep".



[spoiler=My App]

Name: Rey

Age: ?



Catch Phrase/Something you usually say: I'm too good to be good!

Deck: Red-Eyes

Bio: Just a random guy who one day got killed by a harpoon and now wants revenge.

Side: Dark Signers

Earthbound Card: Earthbound Immortal - Xvant Vyanx

Major or Minor Character?: Major




Ferno Hakso (Yu-Gi-Oh Dude)

Hunter Cuttz (YugiohPro)

Otto Joltingson (Victa Zeh Victa)



[spoiler=Dark Signers]

Rey (Rucario)

Demak (Kuroda Naoki)




Nothing. No, that's not a name.





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Name:Ferno Hakso


Appearance:Neon Green tshirt and jeans. Red Yugi Style hair

Catch Phrase/Something you usually say(Optional):UK RAGE!


Bio (Optional):

Side (Dark Signers, Signers, etc.):Signer

Earthbound Card/Signer Dragon: Blue Eyes White Dragon

Major or Minor character?:Major

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Name: Hunter Cuttz


Age: 17



[spoiler= Appearance]






Catch Phrase/Something you usually say: What the *Insert Funny Noise Here*


Deck: Flower Fairy


Bio: The Cool guy when it comes to Children's Card Games. He fears no one. Let the Monkeys who have been Summoned be free. WHAT THE *Insert Funny Noise Here* He said one day. No one knew what that noise was, until this day. Now, he plays Childrens Card Games against the monsters. He says he ish scared. OH TEH NOES! WHAT WILL WE DO!!! WHERE WILL WE GO! Frankly my dear I dont give a Damm. And then he killed the dog. He will eat teh monsterz and bite dere headz off. Prepare to go bai baiz monsterz.


Side: Signers


Earthbound Card/Signer Dragon: Black Rose Dragon


Major or Minor character?: Major (Muhahahahaha!)

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I'll take part of this too.


Name: Demak

Age: Unknown

Appearance: title.jpg

Catch Phrase/Something you usually say(Optional): None, really. But he often complains about having no backstory.

Deck: Monkees!!!!

Bio (Optional): None, which makes him really angry and this is why he became a Dark Signer, he wanted to get revenge for not having a backstory. Also he tries to conquer other worlds with his monkeys, and monkeys is evil.

Side (Dark Signers, Signers, etc.): Dark Signers

Earthbound Card/Signer Dragon: Earthbound Immortal - Cusillu

Major or Minor character?: Minor

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Name: Otto Joltingson

Age: 17

Appearance: A pink haired girl with ponytails and purple eyes. She looks 13

Catch Phrase/Something you usually say(Optional): Check the Internet, fool.

Deck: Internet References, Periodic Table of Elements, Cupid Angels, Ben 10

Bio (Optional):

Side: Signers

Earthbound Card/Signer Dragon: Internet Ref. Trogdor The One armed Burninator

Major or Minor character: Major


I use custom decks, by the way.

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When there is the same amount of Dark Signers as Signers.


By the way, why are Signers called Signers? Because they sign their own body parts thinking they are famous. Same goes for Dark Signers but only Purple. But shouldn't it be Black?

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There's a bit too much spam going on in this thread, seeing as about half of it is "Please Join!" and various comedic threats, all of which can be considered illegitimate bumps. Straighten up, people, and cease the spamming.

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