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Ask the "Dirty little Secret of the Scarlet Devil Mansion" a Question

Big Bad Pennar

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Lass' date=' if you had the Omnitrix, what would you do?

If that was so, Wildvine would be useless, he needs bright Sunlight!

[s']I have the Omnitrix, Mwahaha![/s]

*Changes into Upgrade and hacks your Computer*


I would toss it, all the Aliens are no use to me


Lets see....


Can you control Fire like Heatblast/Swampfire?


Are you indestructable like Chromastone?


Can you hack people's YCM accounts like Upgrade?


Can you multiply yourself like Echo Echo/Ditto?


Do you have collosal Strength like Fourarms?


Can you fly like Stinkfly/Jetray/Big Chill?


Are you as smart as Brainstorm/Grey matter?

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Lass' date=' if you had the Omnitrix, what would you do?

If that was so, Wildvine would be useless, he needs bright Sunlight!

[s']I have the Omnitrix, Mwahaha![/s]

*Changes into Upgrade and hacks your Computer*


I would toss it, all the Aliens are no use to me


Lets see....


Can you control Fire like Heatblast/Swampfire? (Sometimes)


Are you indestructable like Chromastone? (No, But I regenerate Really fast)


Can you hack people's YCM accounts like Upgrade? (No)


Can you multiply yourself like Echo Echo/Ditto? (I can do so, But I can only make 4 copies)


Do you have collosal Strength like Fourarms? (I lets say that I can beat them at Arm wrestling without a sweat)


Can you fly like Stinkfly/Jetray/Big Chill? (Yes)


Are you as smart as Brainstorm/Grey matter? (No)


Other Powers include:


The ability to make things explode with the clench of a Fist

Wielding a Wand/Sword that was stolen from a God

The ability to fire Bullets of Various Shapes and Sizes out of My hand in Mass Numbers

The ability to use various spells in the form of cards


Do you love Flandre? I mean like LOVE her?


Yes' date=' To the point of imitating her at times


And if you answered yes, would you invite me and reborn to the wedding?




No, for your own safety


Have you seen a real ghost?


My Brother was attacked by 2 Demons


As for ghosts, No

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Do you think I should try to get my old RP unlocked because of me not knowing about the Advanced Clause when it was first announced?


No' date=' But you can Remake it


What are you?


A 495 Year old Vampire that is Locked in a Basement with Insane Powers


So' date=' you almost have all the powers of the Omnitrix... interesting...


Haha! Betcha can't release Thunderbolts from your head like Brainstorm!:P (No)


Or maybe try Shapeshifting like Goop. (Nope, But I know someone who can)


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