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Ask the "Dirty little Secret of the Scarlet Devil Mansion" a Question

Big Bad Pennar

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why are most elitest up tight and expect everyone to conform to their points of view only?

(That is what they are' date=' Elitists Expect everyone to Conform to Their Point of Views to even Change the law about it)


Also, why do most mods side with them? (IRDK, Some mods just like their PoV, whilst other mods don't)


And finally, who is on our side? (Unbroken Grovyle is a Mod on our Side, don't know the Rest)



Do you pretty much like every Touhou theme song?

I'm actually Picky about what Kind of Music i get' date=' I didn't like Flandre's Theme when I First Heard it, It was until a while I started Liking that, I now only like specific themes


Path of Radiance or Radiant Dawn?


The Problem here? I don't Play FE

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Oh..... Sorry, It's just a Game Reference....


Flandre Scarlet(The Video game Character) is often called the "Dirty little Secret of the Scarlet Devil Mansion" because Once you Head into the Basement, You are Done for.... Most of the Time, You meet a rather Gory End(The End where she Clenches her Fist and you explode in a Gory Mess)


That and I'm a bit tired, so i'm a little Grouchy

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What if someone told you their a retard?


I'll RP what i would do


I Face-palm as he Said 'I Am Retarded' and say "Dude' date=' You Serious!?"


If I ripped your wings off an grilled them, would they taste like chicken wings?


They are Made of Iron and Prism Shards, so you would break your teeth while you were eating them


oh i got one' date=' do you like yuri?



That question should Be settled in PM

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