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Ask the "Dirty little Secret of the Scarlet Devil Mansion" a Question

Big Bad Pennar

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  'Victa zeh Victa said:

Do you wish Abraham Lincoln rose from the dead? (IDK' date=' Not much for History)

Do you liekz Chuck Norris? (No, He's Overrated)

Do you liekz me new memba cards? (Both are Underpowered, and IDK what an Anti Synchro is)




  'Overheat29 said:

Yeah' date=' most of those suck.


Do you stop by mcdonalds once in a while?



No, Their food sucks

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An almost equally exasperating aspect of the autonomy struggle is the toddler's inability to make choices. The parent asks whether the child wants a cookie or a lollipop. First the child says, 'Cookie,' but as soon as he gets the cookie, he wants a lollipop. The parent patiently takes away the cookie and gives the toddler a lollipop, but now the child wants the cookie again. Why is this?


Why are you insane?



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  '~Perfect Infinity~ said:

An almost equally exasperating aspect of the autonomy struggle is the toddler's inability to make choices. The parent asks whether the child wants a cookie or a lollipop. First the child says' date=' 'Cookie,' but as soon as he gets the cookie, he wants a lollipop. The parent patiently takes away the cookie and gives the toddler a lollipop, but now the child wants the cookie again. Why is this? (Because kids like to see what others do when they do things out of curiousity)


Why are you insane? (Because I am! and that is all you need to know!)


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