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Golden Kingdom RP


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Warriors have long fought to defend their golden kingdom from the fiends and zombies that have attacked them for years.One warrior lead them his name is Gilford the Legend, however he never came back from a mission... Th warriors have mourned their loss but the fiends have only seen this as a big opportunity. Rumor has it that some have infiltrated the kingdom...



-Entry sheets must be PM'd to me

- All selected monsters must be warriors or spellcasters( good), zombies or fiends(bad)

- the suporting creature must be a Machine type(good) or dragon - type (bad)

- No god modes (saying you are inmortal or so...)



Entry Sheet

Name: The name of your warrior(example:BillY or Susan or Luigi)

card: (card name)

supporting creature: (card name)

User name: (your username for this site)

side: (good or bad)



I will personally be :

Name: Kronos

card: Luminous Soldier

supporting creature: Ancient Gear Beast

User name: Legacy_ Hero

side: Good


Current players:



Name: dark bane

card: zera the mant

supporting creature: blue eyes white dragon

User name: goldman88

side: bad



Name: Kel'Nazzar

card: Lich Lord, King of the Underworld

supporting creature: Diabolos, King of the Abyss

User name: Umbra

side: Bad



Name: Kuro

card: Chaos command Magician

supporting creature: Blowback Dragon

User name: Luigi-58

side: good




card:dark magition of black chaos

support:felgrand dragon

user name:asuma181


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Kuro teleports the soldiers to the battlefield.

But as soon as they arrive, their enemies attack them.

"Men, move out!"

He starts shooting magical blasts at his opponents, making them vanish in the air. But suddenly a swarm of Vampire Lords arrive.


He reloads his staff and sends a big energy wave at them.

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jason is flying away on his dragon from the others he was the only spellcaster in their ranks as he was under cover then he launched a few BLACK MAGIC ATTACKS at them and it killed two of them and he yelled


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Kronos told Kara to remain taking care of Kuro. He rushed back to the scene and he noticed the reinforcements of the dark had arrived, so he put a magical tracking device on the blue eyes' tail. He proceeded to call his ancient gear beast who bit the hand off the Vampire Genesis, body.

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Kuro re-gained conciousness and teleported himself to the battle fiels

"Captain Kronos, are you OK?"

But not waiting for an answer, he noticed the A. Gear Beast biting the vampire´s hand off an ran to aid him. He then noticed the other attackers and started to blast all visible fiends.

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jason saw king robnos and said

"long time no smeel stinky how do you feel when one of your best oprotives is a spy BLACK MAGIC ATTACK now felgrand use GOLDEN BLAZE"


a big black ball hit ZERA and the golden blaze compleatly covered KING ROBNOS

"ha ha ha ha ha ha ha bet that one hurt"said jason

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