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The Dark Birdians


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Some of the older members will remeber the first set I posted my favourite set the Birdian monsters. While thinking of doinging something and thinking of all "evil" counter parts (cyber => cyberdark / Elemental Hero => Evil Hero / Crystal Beast => Advanced Crystal Beast) so I desided to make on to


Black Bird Fusion:



Birdian Fusion:



Dark Birdians with Birdian Counter part











Cards without Counter:



Cuckoos effect:

This card cannot be normal summoned or set this card cannot be special summoned exept by the effect of "Egg of the Cuckoo". This card cannot attack an Birdian monster and if this is the only monster on your field your opponent can attack your LP directly. During each of your standby phases decrease your LP by 500 and put an Cuckoo counter on this card. A cuckoo counter increases the monsters attack by 250, If there are 4 Cuckoo counters on this card then the control of this card get switched and the effect of this card gets negated.


Fusion Material monsters:





Support Cards



More to come

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Yeh, I'm also new, and the pictures are pretty good, with some exceptions. The effects are pretty good, but if I may make a suggestion, it is that make some more normal monsters. I like the idea of this deck, so if you make more normal mosnters, you can use them for fusion material monsters. But other than that I give this deck a 8.25/10. You can improve. Everyone can.

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All People thanks for your comment. Overdragon I don't want you to use the pictures I used most of them are made by myself or atleast editit by me.

I added two new cards. Meat the most evil bird of all birds the Cuckoo:



Cuckoos effect:

This card cannot be normal summoned or set this card cannot be special summoned exept by the effect of "Egg of the Cuckoo". This card cannot attack an Birdian monster and if this is the only monster on your field your opponent can attack your LP directly. During each of your standby phases decrease your LP by 500 and put an Cuckoo counter on this card. A cuckoo counter increases the monsters attack by 250, If there are 4 Cuckoo counters on this card then the control of this card get switched and the effect of this card gets negated.

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your grammar does stink but i guess thats only because you don't speak English as a main' date=' anyways like the idea. 9/10


I know my grammar sucks so it would be nice if you would tell how it schould be


nice to see that youve brang the birdians back... great job :D

Thanks. I'm glad to see somebody remeber the old birdians

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